Tag archive: high-gradient cavity
Julianne Wyrick | 21 November 2013
After years of pursuing purity in the niobium material used to make superconducting radiofrequency cavities, a Fermilab team led by Anna Grassellino has found that baking cavities to introduce certain impurities may improve the cavity performance. The new method may provide a way for ILC-type cavities to reach up to three times higher quality factors—enabling more cost-effective accelerators.
Around the World | Tagged:
cavity gradient, Fermilab, high-gradient cavity, medium-field Q slope, quality factor, SRF cavity, SRF technology, superconducting cavity
Barry Barish | 2 August 2012
In May, the GDE underwent its most recent technical review, just before embarking on the task of assembling the Technical Design Report (TDR). The review covered the status of the key ILC R&D, the TDR baseline, the outline and plans for the TDR, and a look to the future.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
accelerator R&D, cavity yield, high-gradient cavity, PAC, Technical Design Report
Akira Yamamoto | 30 July 2009
I would like to thank Barry Barish (...) for the opportunity to write his column and expand on the efforts for an area of the Main Linac and Superconducting Radiofrequency (ML-SCRF) technology and the tasks ahead of us.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
cavity database, cavity gradient, high-gradient cavity, superconducting cavity, Superconducting RF
Barry Barish | 9 July 2009
... we plan to set an average operating gradient of 31.5 MV per metre for the 14560 cavities mounted in the 1680 cryomodules of a 500-GeV ILC.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
accelerating gradient, cavity gradient, high-gradient cavity, superconducting cavity, TDP-1
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