Tag archive: letter of intent
Sakue Yamada | 7 February 2013
In his last column in ILC NewsLine, Sakue Yamada, ILC Research director, acknowledges the tremendous collaborative effort which has made possible the accomplishment of the Physics and Detectors volumes of the ILC Technical Design Report.
Research Director's Report | Tagged:
detector R&D, GDE, IDAG, letter of intent
Perrine Royole-Degieux | 14 May 2009
Since the end of March, when the detector concept groups delivered their Letters of Intent, the International Detector Advisory Group (IDAG) has been experiencing an intense period. At TILC09 in Japan, the panel worked and interviewed the detector concept groups for three days. All sessions were closed to other participants, but ILC NewsLine wanted to know more about what happened there and understand details about the whole process of detector evaluation.
Feature | Tagged:
IDAG, letter of intent, LOI
Barbara Warmbein | 14 May 2009
Some 400 pages of calculations, simulations, detector descriptions, estimates, some 1000 signatories from all round the world, hours spent on the phone or clustered around conference tables – a lot of hard work and careful thinking went into the Letters of Intent (LOI). Each of the three submitted letters – for ILD, for SiD and for the 4th concept or 4th for short – managed to meet the deadline, and even though they didn’t manage to stick to the recommended page limit of 100, they were all accepted and are being scrutinised by the international detector advisory group IDAG (see this week’s other feature). This is a story about how an LOI is written, as told by the authors and editors.
Feature | Tagged:
IDAG, letter of intent, LOI
Barry Barish | 14 May 2009
Compared to most accelerators, the ILC will have a much more intimate and complex set of interfaces between the machine and the detectors (MDI).
Director's Corner | Tagged:
4th concept, detector concepts, ILD, letter of intent, LOI, SiD
Sakue Yamada | 16 April 2009
The three ILC detector concept groups, ILD, SiD and 4th, submitted their Letters of Intent (LOIs) by the due date, 31 March.
Research Director's Report | Tagged:
IDAG, letter of intent, LOI
Perrine Royole-Degieux | 4 December 2008
The International Detector Advisory Group (IDAG) met for the second time during the LCWS08 meeting which took place in Chicago two weeks ago. In a few days, they succeeded to converge on the strategy they will use to evaluate the ILC detectors concepts. At the end of March 2009, they will receive the Letters of Intent (LOIs) for the detector concepts and start reviewing them.
Feature | Tagged:
detector concepts, IDAG, LCWS08, letter of intent
Sakue Yamada | 20 March 2008
... I would like to ask those groups which intend to submit Letters of Intent (LOIs) to send me an email with the names of currently participating institutions and up to two names of contact persons. There are many issues to discuss and to do together with the LOI groups before the LOIs can be submitted.
Research Director's Report | Tagged:
IDAG, letter of intent, push-pull
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