Tag archive: linear collider school
Barry Barish | 8 May 2008
Recruiting and training the next generation of accelerator physicists is crucial to the future of the field. Accelerator schools play a central role in introducing potential accelerator experts to the science and in providing advanced education.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
LC school, linear collider school, United States
Barry Barish | 5 April 2007
I am pleased to announce that the second accelerator school dedicated to linear colliders will be held from 1-10 October 2007 at Ettore Majorana Center, Erice (Sicily), Italy under the sponsorship of the ILC GDE, ILCSC and ICFA Beam Dynamics Panel.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
Erice, Italy, LC school, linear collider school, Sicily
Barry Barish | 29 June 2006
Not long after I became GDE Director, and even before I had recruited our initial design team, I gave a plenary talk on my ideas and plans for the ILC design effort at the Particle Accelerator Conference PAC05 in Oak Ridge, Tennessee.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
Japan, LC school, linear collider school, Sokendai
Elizabeth Clements | 6 April 2006
As the projected timeline currently stands for the International Linear Collider, the machine will start running in about a decade or so. While some physicists view retirement as a novel concept, ILC scientists and engineers must face the fact that the next-generation particle accelerator needs a next-generation of experts behind it. After the overwhelming response of applicants to the International Accelerator School for Linear Colliders, physicists can rest a little easier, knowing that a future generation of scientists is ready and eager to take the helm.
Feature | Tagged:
lcschool, linear collider school
Elizabeth Clements | 2 February 2006
After more than two months of intensive work, the Curriculum Committee has selected a group of 21 lecturers from around the world to teach at the International Accelerator School for Linear Colliders. Scheduled for 19-27 May 2006, the school will take place at Sokendai, Graduate School for Advanced Studies in Hayama, Japan.
Feature | Tagged:
linear collider school
Elizabeth Clements | 12 January 2006
At Fermilab, the last year was a busy one for the team that gutted out the New Muon and Meson buildings, preparing them to be test areas for the ILC and Proton Driver. Formerly known as the Superconducting Module and Test Facility (SMTF), the renovated space is now called the ILC Test Area (ILCTA -Meson Detector Building and ILCTA-New Muon). At one of Fermilab's weekly All Experimenters' Meetings in November, Paul Czarapata provided an update on the facility.
Feature | Tagged:
design cost board, ILCTA, linear collider school
Elizabeth Clements | 12 January 2006
The International Accelerator School for Linear Colliders is now accepting applications. Jointly organized by the GDE, International Linear Collider Steering Committee and the ICFA Beam Dynamics Panel, the school will take place at Sokendai in Hayama, Japan from 19-27 May 2006. The deadline to apply is 15 February 2006.
Around the World | Tagged:
linear collider school
Elizabeth Clements | 17 November 2005
At the Snowmass Workshop, amid the debates over detectors, linac design and costing estimates, a committee organized an accelerator school to recruit new young physicists to join the International Linear Collider collaboration. On 17 August, a nine-person committee chaired by Global Design Effort Director Barry Barish met to start organizing the International School for Linear Colliders. The first global accelerator school to have such a defined focus, the International School for Linear Colliders will be held on 19 May 2006 to 27 May 2006 at Sokendai, the Graduate School for Advanced Studies, in Hayama, Japan, just 70 kilometers south of Tokyo. The committee will accept up to 80 students from around the globe.
Feature | Tagged:
Linear Collider Accelerator School, linear collider school
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