Tag archive: school
Image: CERN/M. Lapka | 15 March 2012
Young researchers analysing real high-energy collisions from the LHC at CERN. From 27 February to 24 March, about 8000 high school students in 31 countries come to one of about 120 nearby universities or research centres for one day in order to unravel the mysteries of particle physics. Lectures from active scientists give insight in topics and methods of basic research at the fundaments of matter and forces, enabling the students to perform measurements on real data from particle physics experiments themselves. At the end of each day, as in an international research collaboration, the participants join in a video conference for discussion and combination of their results. View more photos from CERN | Read more about the masterclasses in ILC NewsLine
Image of the week | Tagged:
CERN, education, school
7 January 2010
A lively debate across age groups and cultures marked the Third Linear Collider Physics School, held in Ambleside, UK, in August. For the first time, designated discussion periods were set aside for up–and–coming scientists to share their work and opinions on the future of accelerator–based particle physics with international experts. The week–long event held at the Ambleside campus of the University of Cumbria in England expanded on the technical and physics issues of past schools with three discussion topics: the "big questions" in the field: electroweak, Higgs physics and accelerator physics; quantum chromodynamics, exotics and cosmology. The school was organised by Andre Sopczak of Lancaster University together with his colleagues Chris Bowdery and Jonathan Gratus.
Around the World | Tagged:
linear collider physics school, school
Rika Takahashi | 10 September 2009
One of the most important subject in future high-energy experiments is to search and investigate the Higgs particle – the last missing piece of the Standard Model. Another important subject is the investigation of physics beyond the Standard Model such as supersymmetry. From 31 August to 3 September, the first “GRACE school”, the school for one of the important tools for quests in high-energy physics, was held at KEK in Tsukuba, Japan in cooperation with Kogakuin University.
Feature | Tagged:
GRACE, KEK, school, Tsukuba
Barry Barish | 21 May 2009
Today I want to encourage young researchers interested in becoming accelerator scientists to consider applying to participate in our "Fourth International Accelerator School for Linear Colliders."
Director's Corner | Tagged:
accelerator science, LC school, linear collider school, school
30 April 2009
“How do you ‘see’ neutrons in a scintillator calorimetry?” asks Frank Simon a group of 40 students in the afternoon three days into a five-day “Calorimetry for International Linear Collider” school, held from 22 to 26 April in Beijing. The spring in Beijing is just over outside the classroom on the CCAST campus, and the Chinese students who traveled from many academic institutions across mainland China, such as Tsinghua University, Institute of High Energy Physics Chinese Academy of Science (IHEP) and the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), eagerly hitch forward in their seats. “Have you played billiards?” An excellent lecturer himself (and a blogger for Quantum Diaries), Simon effectively delivers his ideas as the students speak up. What target would take away momentum from neutrons? Exactly, the mass equivalent of neutrons, the protons. Hydrogen in the active medium makes the detector, and thus the plastic scintillator, sensitive to neutrons.
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Calorimetry for International Linear Collider school, CCAST, China, school
Barbara Warmbein | 10 April 2008
When your day job means measuring the F2 structure function of the proton or hunting for the Higgs boson, you don't usually stop and wonder how exactly the ingredients of your events reached their collision point. Some 30 junior researchers have just learnt to do just this: at the recent 'Terascale Accelerator School', the first of its kind organised in Germany and a project of the Helmholtz Alliance, physics students turned into nuts-and-bolts accelerator experts for a week.
Around the World | Tagged:
DESY, German Helmholtz Alliance, Germany, school, terascale accelerator school
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