Tag archive: site selection
Sachio Komamiya | 19 December 2013
With the Higgs boson safely bagged by the LHC and the TDR published the last months were eventful to say the least. Linear Collider Board chair Sachio Komamiya looks back at what happened, what was accomplished in 2013 and what still needs to be done to make the linear collider an operational project in Japan.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
European Strategy for Particle Physics, HEPAP, Japan, Science Council of Japan, site selection, TDR
Rika Takahashi | 29 August 2013
The ILC site evaluation committee of Japan announced the result of the assessment on the two candidate sites in Japan on 23 August 2013. As a location, they recommended the Kitakami mountains in the Iwate and Miyagi prefectures.
Feature | Tagged:
ILC, ILC site, Iwate Prefecture, Japan, Miyagi Prefecture, mountain-region ILC sites, site selection
Lyn Evans | 27 June 2013
Physics isn’t usually associated with big emotions, and in the everyday life at the labs this is probably true. However, our field has recently had many momentous events, and the excitement these have caused have made particle physics one of the most popular science topics in the world. Let’s use this momentum to get ahead in our plan to build the ILC – maybe in stages and in Japan?
Director's Corner | Tagged:
Fermilab, Japan, site selection, Technical Design Report
8 December 2011
A delegation from the prefectures Fukuoka and Saga on the Japanese island Kyushu visited two European labs, CERN and DESY, last week to learn about existing research infrastructures and the labs' experiences with management, administration, local communication and a whole lot more. The region is one of two possible Japanese sites for the ILC, and the delegation, consisting of four members of the Fukuoka/Saga ILC planning committee, wanted to establish a dialogue with the European labs to exchange ideas and information. At DESY, they heard about DESY regional cooperation, socioeconomic impacts, innovation and technology transfer, outreach with local communities and of course DESY and the ILC. They also visited some facilities on campus, including the new accelerator module test hall for the European X-Ray Free-Electron laser XFEL, pictured here.
Image of the week | Tagged:
Asia, CERN, DESY, ILC site, Japan, site selection
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