Tag archive: SLAC
Barbara Warmbein | 26 April 2007
Interactions members now officially classify as a tribe: flocking round the warming fire against the Californian chill they shared a goat during their meeting at SLAC last week. But though food may be memorable during the meetings of the InterAction collaboration, discussions and strategic plans are even more important for the communication representatives of particle physics labs, universities and projects. LHC start-up, the future of ILC communication and the meaning of blogs were just a few of the topics on the agenda of the three-day meeting that brought together 16 core and about 10 extended members of the InterAction family. They welcomed two new faces: Rika Takahashi, who has just taken up her job as ILC communicator for Asia at KEK, and Romeo Bassoli from INFN.
Around the World | Tagged:
InterAction Collaboration, SLAC
Barry Barish | 15 March 2007
Earlier this week, Jonathan Dorfan announced that he is stepping down this fall as SLAC Director after eight very successful years.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
Jonathan Dorfan, SLAC, United States
Barry Barish | 1 March 2007
The release of the ILC Reference Design was a very important milestone. Yet, we have emphasised that it is really a snapshot of the ILC design. -- By Barry Barish & Ray Larsen
Director's Corner | Tagged:
accelerator R&D, ILC baseline, marx modulator, SLAC, United States
1 February 2007
The current design for the International Linear Collider (ILC) requires 576, 10-megawatt klystron tubes to supply microwave power along its 40 km linear accelerator. Each ILC klystron tube needs 120,000 volt, 140-ampere pulses, fired at a rate of five pulses per second. Each pulse delivers a total energy of more than 23 kilojoules—the kinetic energy of a 20 millimeter cannon shell.
Feature | Tagged:
klystron, marx modulator, SLAC
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