Tag archive: technology benefits
Hitoshi Murayama | 12 May 2016
Humans are curious creatures, always trying to make sense of the world around them. Basic science pushed the humankind forward and will continue to do with projects like the LHC and the ILC. Hitoshi Murayama, Deputy Director of the Linear Collider Collaboration and enthusiastic public lecturer explains why.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
basic science, LHC, movie, outreach, Particle Fever, technology benefits
Barbara Warmbein | 9 April 2009
New science project in their planning stages are a bit of a hothouse for new ideas, innovative solutions and maybe even breakthroughs in technology. The ILC is right in the middle of this stage: R&D is in full swing, scientists pursue various solutions to meeting the high demands of the machine and detectors. No wonder then that people are already thinking of ways to transfer the technologies developed for the different areas of the ILC to other projects or disciplines: medicine, biology, drug research, computing, environment and many others.
Feature | Tagged:
technology benefits, technology transfer
Elizabeth Clements | 9 April 2009
As a lead machinist at Argonne National Laboratory, Frank Meyer recognized the need for industry to supply complex equipment for scientific research. So in 1966 he started Meyer Tool & Manufacturing on a part-time basis in his garage. Three years later, he left Argonne to expand his machine shop into a full-time manufacturing facility.
Around the World | Tagged:
technology benefits, technology transfer
Barry Barish | 9 April 2009
We are pursuing a very ambitious R&D programme in order to develop the technologies that will be required to build the International Linear Collider. Recognising that important technological benefits are resulting from our ILC R&D programme, the Funding Agencies for Large Colliders, a group composed of representatives of national science funding agencies worldwide, commissioned a study.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
ILC R&D, technology benefits, technology transfer
Elizabeth Clements | 31 May 2007
What do the International Linear Collider and nuclear waste transmutation, cargo inspection or food and water sterilisation have in common? Technology. The same technology that the ILC will use to explore the fundamental nature of the universe may also have potential applications in other areas of science and industry. This is what a group of ILC scientists and industry met to discuss at an ILC Technical Applications Workshop on 15 May in Dulles, Virginia.
Feature | Tagged:
technology benefits, technology transfer
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