Tag archive: TRIUMF
Steinar Stapnes | 23 July 2015
As the summer conferences are kicking off, providing more and more complete LHC 8 TeV results and the very first glimpses of 13 TeV data, it is also time to start thinking about the autumn linear collider programme. The LCWS15 and the International Linear Collider School will be held in Whistler, BC, Canada.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
accelerator R&D, LC school, LCWS, TRIUMF
Mike Harrison | 30 April 2015
The organisers arranged a special “Tokyo Event”, to highlight the benefits of the ILC to Japanese society. More than 400 politicians, industry, media and workshop participants heard about the Tokyo Statement, Japanese demographics and followed a panel discussion that included the claim that physicists come across as ignorant. Mike Harrison sums up his impressions.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
ALCW2015, CERN, DESY, IPMU, Japan, Tokyo Statement, Tokyo Symposium, TRIUMF, University of Tokyo
Rika Takahashi | 6 August 2009
On 7 July, while the Emperor and Empress of Japan were visiting Canada, Nigel Lockyer, the director of TRIUMF, gave a lecture at the Canada – Japan Particle Accelerator Science Symposium at the Embassy of Canada in Tokyo, to commemorate the 80th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Japan and Canada. Today, Canada and Japan are partners in numerous international groups and organisations such as the G8, Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) and the Organisation for Co-operation and Development (OECD). This symposium showcased one of many Canada-Japan collaborations: the active partnership in accelerator science.
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Canada, Canada-Japan collaboration, Japan, TRIUMF
6 August 2009
Canada is proposing to build an accelerator, called e-linac, that would reconstruct the reactions that took place after the Big Bang. The e-linac design uses SCRF cavities similar to those the ILC will use.
Around the World | Tagged:
Canada, e-linac, SRF technology, TRIUMF
9 February 2006
The rise and fall times of the pulses in the injection kickers influence the minimum circumference of the damping rings in the International Linear Collider. The Baseline Configuration Document features 6 km rings which will require pulsers to feed 50 ohm stripline kickers. The 5 kV (kilovolt) pulses must have 6 ns (nanosecond) rise and fall times, and a total duration of approximately 14 ns. Operating in a burst mode, every 5 seconds the kicker will have a 3 MHz (megahertz) burst that lasts 1 ms (millisecond). The combination of the electric component from the 5 kV voltage pulse and the magnetic component from the accompanying 100 A (amp) current pulse will deflect the electron and positron beams. The temporal specification of the kicker pulse presents a challenge to the existing generation of pulser technology.
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