Tag archive: undulator
Shin Michizono | 5 April 2018
Shinichiro Michizono, Associate Director for the ILC in the Linear Collider Collaboration, takes a look at the proposed 250-GeV ILC from an accelerator expert’s point of view.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
250 GeV ILC, accelerator R&D, cost optimisation, polarisation, positron souce, undulator
Leah Hesla | 13 January 2011
Lately, scientific communities are in need of higher-energy light particles. To do this, scientists are extending the existing technology of undulator magnets, or undulators. The device uses magnets to wiggle a particle beam into giving up light, which can then be used for a whole host of scientific applications.
Feature | Tagged:
accelerator R&D, Argonne, Daresbury, positron souce, Rutherford-Appleton, undulator, undulator magnet
Barbara Warmbein | 11 June 2009
The team developing the ILC's positron source have every reason to be positive. Recent tests have shown both that the four-meter helical undulator prototype – a device that will produce an intense beam of polarised gamma rays – works in its cryomodule, and that the target that will produce the positrons themselves can reach its design rotation speed of 2000 revolutions per minute.
Feature | Tagged:
accelerator R&D, positron source, undulator
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