Tag archive: United States
Mike Harrison | 30 August 2012
Americas Regional Director Mike Harrison reinterprets the dramatic reduction of the US ILC budget starting in the next financial year. Find out about US R&D plans and what all this has to do with sausages.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
budget, global collaboration, SCRF, United States, US, US budget
Barry Barish | 12 April 2012
HEPAP is the official advisory body to DOE for high-energy physics. At their recent meeting from 12 to 13 March, they dealt with US high-energy physics budgets, including future year projections, and how to reconcile them with the US high-energy physics programme. In the process, they covered a wide variety of topics ranging from the future of the US accelerator R&D programme to next-generation dark matter searches.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
DOE, DOE Office of Science, HEPAP, United States
13 January 2011
Today we received the news that we will not receive funding for the proposed Tevatron extension and consequently the Tevatron will close at the end of FY2011 as was previously planned. The present budgetary climate did not permit DOE to secure the additional funds needed to run the Tevatron for three more years as recommended by the High Energy Physics Advisory Panel.
Around the World | Tagged:
Fermilab, HEPAP, Tevatron, United States
Leah Hesla | 5 August 2010
Electrician Stan Kramer spent the better part of a recession-hit 2009 unemployed. Then, last March, he received the call from Arlington Electric that he was needed for a newly created job at Fermilab. Fermilab hired Arlington to do electrical work at the New Muon Laboratory with funds from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.
Around the World | Tagged:
Fermilab, New Muon Laboratory, NML, Recovery Act, United States
Mike Harrison | 25 February 2010
Mike Harrison describes a recent trip to Washington to talk to the US Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP); the home of the Presidential Science Advisor.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
office of science, OSTP, United States, Washington
18 February 2010
In a provocative section of a talk at the American Physical Society meeting in Washington, DC, yesterday, theorist Matthew Strassler from Rutgers University challenged particle theorists to not be too simple in their analyses. Most people would probably not claim that theoretical particle physics is too simple, but Strassler argued that nature is likely to be even more complicated than physicists expect. And if theorists only properly examine the simplest classes of models, where simple is a relative term, they might be led astray in interpreting future Large Hadron Collider data.
Feature | Tagged:
American Physical Society, APS, United States
Barry Barish | 11 February 2010
[...] I am pleased to announce that the DOE is continuing to support this revised programme and that a $35-million ILC R&D budget has been included in the President's US budget request announced last week.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
2010, 2011, budget, DOE, funding, government, ILC R&D funding, United States
Elizabeth Clements | 10 September 2009
In August, the Department of Energy announced that the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act will provide Fermilab with $52.7 million to test and develop superconducting radio frequency cavities, a key technology for next-generation accelerators and the future of particle physics. The funds provide a significant boost to the SRF program at Fermilab, allowing the laboratory to expand its test facilities and strengthen American manufacturing capabilities.
Around the World | Tagged:
ARRA, Fermilab, Recovery Act, SRF technology, United States
27 August 2009
At the Accelerator Test Facility (ATF) at KEK, researchers around the world are testing the feasibility of their accelerator techniques. Because the ILC beams are very small, very accurate and precise beam diagnostic measurements are required. Physicists from Notre Dame University, US, and Oxford University, UK, visited ATF2 in July to make tests relevant to beam diagnostic measurement.
Feature | Tagged:
ATF, beam diagnostic, KEK, Notre Dame University, Oxford University, United Kingdom, United States
7 May 2009
Fermilab scientists and engineers shipped their first successfully completed and tested 3.9 GHz superconducting module to DESY on Friday, April 24.
Around the World | Tagged:
3.9 GHz, cryomodule, Fermilab, United States
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