Harry Weerts and Mike Harrison | 22 May 2014After the release of the European Strategy for Particle Physics last year, the strategy process in the US is also being finalised. The Particle Physics Project Prioritization Panel (P5) was put together and charged by the High Energy Physics Advisory Panel (HEPAP) to create a “10 year strategic plan in context of a 20 year global vision” for the US programme. The complete committee report was presented to HEPAP today and discussions about its content are ongoing. The P5 roadmap outlines a broad particle physics programme for the US, including strong endorsements for the ILC in Japan.
Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: DOE, ILC, P5 report, US
Lyn Evans | 1 May 2014The LHC’s long shutdown is nearing its end. All magnet interconnects have been opened and checked, and with the first of eight sectors scheduled for cooldown this month, it’s well on its way towards new discoveries, says LCC Director Lyn Evans. After all, results from the LHC determine the future of particle physics around the world, and the ILC is no exception.
Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: future colliders, LHC, LS1, physics
Mike Harrison | 17 April 2014Having just returned from a three-day meeting of civil engineers, accelerator designers, integration experts and linear collider management at the University of Tokyo, Mike Harrison, ILC Director in the Linear Collider Collaboration, reports on the progress. It turned out that even if the ILC is built in stages, which is a popular model with many, all the major civil engineering facilities would have to be completed in phase one of the project.
Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: accelerator, civil engineering, conventional facilities, ILC design, Kitakami site
Brian Foster | 3 April 2014Now that there are great hopes that Japan will soon step forward with a proposal to host the ILC, the time has come for the Linear Collider Collaboration to take another look at issues related to ILC governance. Brian Foster, European director for the Linear Collider Collaboration, has just been appointed chair of the subcommittee in charge of producing recommendations on the organisation and management of an ILC lab in Japan.
Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: ILC Lab, ILC site, LCB, LCC
Hitoshi Yamamoto | 20 March 2014Without a solid physics case, state-of-the-art detectors and well-defined infrastructures like computing and links with the machine, a linear collider would have few arguments to go by. The Linear Collider Collaboration has working groups installed that make sure that the detectors can advance towards real collaborations and that synergies between the two linear colliders are harnessed as much as possible. Hitoshi Yamamoto, Associate Director for Physics and Detectors in the LCC, describes the current status of the physics and detector directorate where most of the components are now up and running.
Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: CLIC, detector R&D, ILC, machine detector interface, physics and detectors, physics case
Steinar Stapnes | 6 March 2014The yearly CLIC collaboration meeting took place last month at CERN, welcoming more than 300 physicists from all over the world. After many strategy processes and deliberations, the discussions and presentations were refreshingly focused on the physics, technologies and scientific challenges for the next phase of the project. CLIC’s Steinar Stapnes, Associate Director for the Compact Linear Collider Study reports.
Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: accelerator R&D, CLIC, detector R&D, technology transfer
Harry Weerts | 20 February 2014Over the past decades, colliders have defined the energy frontier in particle physics. Currently there are four studies worldwide: ILC, CLIC, FCC and a muon collider. Each high-energy physicist can argue about which one of these should be pursued and have his/her own preference. However, considering the strategic aspect and the time scale involved in realising these machines, the ILC is the natural next energy frontier machine. Harry Weerts, Americas Regional Director for the Linear Collider Collaboration, explains why.
Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: CLIC, energy frontier, FCC, Higgs boson, High Energy Physics, ILC, LHC, muon collider, new physics
Akira Yamamoto | 6 February 2014I am pleased to be in charge to provide the Director’s Corner in timely manner and coinciding with a public announcement from KEK. KEK has set up a Planning Office for the International Linear Collider, headed by Atsuto Suzuki, Director General of KEK. It may serves a precursor for an international planning organisation for the ILC, in the preparation phase starting after the Technical Design Phase completed.
Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: ILC Planning Office, ILC R&D, KEK
Hitoshi Murayama | 23 January 2014We were all holding our breaths to see the Japanese government making an official move towards hosting the ILC. A small but significant move happened as a Christmas present with the release of the government budget proposal for the Japanese Fiscal Year 2014 which includes an official budget line for the ILC.
Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: budget, government, ILC site, international collaboration, Japan, R&D
Lyn Evans | 9 January 2014The ILC will be a truly global scientific undertaking when it’s built – but it’s not the only one. The ALMA observatory in Chile for example, built to tell us more about how stars and planets are formed, is run by a collaboration that is distributed around the world. LCC Director Lyn Evans was invited on a field trip to three observatories in Chile as a member of a visiting committee set up by the European Southern Observatory ESO and learned a lot about travel in South America, commissioning telescopes and running large science projects.
Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: ALMA, ESO, global collaboration, La Silla, Paranal