Mike Harrison | 28 January 2016In a few weeks and for the first time, Japanese and US politicians will sit down together, in public, with the ILC a prominent topic of debate. Though the outcome of the forum may not be immediately visible, Mike Harrison, Associate Director for the International Linear Collider in the Linear Collider Collaboration, is looking forward to the event. Many things are in motion below the surface, he says, and it’s one more step on the way to the realisation of a linear collider.
Brian Foster | 14 January 2016As demonstrated again by the Tesla Technology Collaboration meeting last month at SLAC National Laboratory, no other future particle physics project has ever been so well understood both technologically and from the industrial mass production side than the ILC, reports European Regional Director Brian Foster. Foster also attended a one-off meeting with key players in plasma-wave acceleration - another possible collider for the future - where superconducting radiofrequency acceleration may also play a vital role.
Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: plasma-wakefield acceleration, TESLA Technology Collaboration
Philip Burrows | 10 December 2015Phil Burrows, acting Associate Director for the Compact Linear Collider Study in the Linear Collider Collaboration, says the linear collider community should be prepared for new results from the LHC over the course of the coming years, with the first to be announced next week. They will help us decide which future path we should take.
Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: 13 TeV, CERN, CLIC, ILC, LCWS15, LHC
Hitoshi Yamamoto | 25 November 2015Hitoshi Yamamoto, Associate Director for Physics and Detectors in the Linear Collider Collaboration, is happy to announce that a new, lightweight panel to oversee physics and detector activities has been formed and met for the first time at this year’s linear collider workshop.
Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: detector concepts, detector R&D, PDAP, physics and detectors
Hitoshi Murayama | 12 November 2015In Whistler, British Columbia, some two hundred physicists gathered to the annual Linear Collider Workshop. As the last speaker of the meeting, I tried to summarise the status of various collider options currently under discussion. In particular, I tried to clarify their readiness and timelines.
Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: CepC, CLIC, FCC, ILC, LCWS15, SPPC
Harry Weerts | 29 October 2015Frank words from the Americas Regional Director Harry Weerts: decisions about global science projects aren’t taken by scientists. They are taken by politicians. The world’s roadmaps for the future of particle physics may recommend a linear collider in Japan, but it also needs to find its way into the world’s science budgets in order to proceed.
Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: AAA, CepC, CPPC, European Strategy for Particle Physics, P5, science policy
Brian Foster | 15 October 2015European Regional Director Brian Foster is very pleased that this years’ Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to two particle physicists. Neutrinos had long been a complete puzzle, and the (improbable but true) discovery that they oscillate is an excellent example of the importance of experiments. The ILC can continue this tradition.
Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: Higgs, neutrinos, Nobel prize, precision measurements
Akira Yamamoto | 1 October 2015Reporting almost live from Whistler, Canada, Akira Yamamoto says progress is impressive. The conference SRF 2015 covered the latest advances in the science, technology, and applications of superconducting RF, including leading SRF accelerator projects, such as European XFEL, the European Spallation Source, FRIB, and the LCLS-II project.
Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: accelerator R&D, cavity, cavity gradient, SCRF
Sachio Komamiya | 3 September 2015Sachio Komamiya is the chair of the Linear Collider Board, the oversight committee for ILC and CLIC. In today’s guest corner, he explains what the recent “Summary Report” for a Japanese advisory panel means for the project. It’s good news, he says, and urges the community to demonstrate the need for the next big machine.
Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: ILC Advisory Group, MEXT, Summary Report