29 April 2010Do you enjoy explaining to friends and family what you do and why you do it? Would you like to share your knowledge about superconductivity, string theory, governance, the Higgs, beam steering, particle detectors or whatever else you are an expert in? With the LHC running and delivering the first physics results, more people wonder what will come next – and some of them use the 'Ask a scientist' service on www.linearcollider.org. We are looking for experts from all areas of the ILC who would like to volunteer to take part in the 'Ask a scientist' service.
Category: Feature | Tagged: outreach
Perrine Royole-Degieux | 22 April 2010What do the ILC and environmental protection have in common? The answer is: superconducting cavities. The European MYRRHA is an experimental facility aimed to demonstrate the technical feasibility of nuclear waste transmutation in an accelerator-driven system. The main part of the accelerator will consist in a series of superconducting cavities. At INFN Milano, Italy, a group has transferred all its experience from the TESLA Technology Collaboration and ILC for the development of elliptical proton cavities for this application. Last month, a prototype cryomodule containing one low-beta elliptical cavity was installed in dedicated test stand at the IPNO/Supratech technological platform in Orsay, France.
Category: Feature | Tagged: INFN, Italy, Milano, MYRRHA, TESLA
Rika Takahashi | 15 April 2010The ILC community welcomed a new ILC communicator from China at the Linear Collider Workshop 2010. “I feel so lucky to become an ILC communicator and to work with the other communicators,” said Min Zhang. Zhang, based at the Institute of High Energy Physics of the Chinese Academy of Science (IHEP), will be sharing the Asian communication duties with Rika Takahashi (KEK) and will closely collaborate with her European colleagues, Perrine Royole-Degieux (CNRS/IN2P3) and Barbara Warmbein (DESY).
Category: Feature | Tagged: Asia, ILC Communicators, Japan, KEK
8 April 2010With stable beams regularly circulating and colliding in the LHC, we have started the physics programme at 7 TeV. At a recent workshop in Italy, participants had the chance to take stock of what lies in store for the LHC's first physics run.
Category: Feature | Tagged: 7 TeV, LHC
1 April 2010Geneva, 30 March 2010. Beams collided at 7 TeV in the LHC at 13:06 CEST, marking the start of the LHC research programme. Particle physicists around the world are looking forward to a potentially rich harvest of new physics as the LHC begins its first long run at an energy three and a half times higher than previously achieved at a particle accelerator.
Category: Feature | Tagged: CERN, LHC
Barbara Warmbein | 25 March 2010In a venue that many ILC people know very well from last year's TILC meeting, the Epochal Conference Center in Tsukuba, Japan, another meeting is underway that may well change the course of physics research for scientists from Europe and Asia. The Asia Europe Physics Summit ASEPS covers all areas of physics research, from nanotechnology and energy to medical research and accelerator development. It goes even further than that: it looks at the history of collaboration between Asia and Europe and combines lessons learnt from the past with plans for future projects like the ILC. Follow it live via videoconference; instructions are given below.
Category: Feature | Tagged: ASEPS, Asia, Europe
18 March 2010Yesterday the science news media and twitterverse were abuzz following a BBC News article announcing “LHC to shut down for a year to address design faults.” Readers – and the news outlets that frantically re-reported the BBC article – assumed that CERN had found a new problem with the LHC and announced an imminent shutdown. Neither is the case. Here, we join our fellow science writers and bloggers in setting the record straight about the LHC’s next long shutdown.
Category: Feature | Tagged: CERN, LHC
Barbara Warmbein | 11 March 2010A team from the Max Planck Institute for Physics in Munich just found scientific evidence for the old saying that less is more. By shaving off a piece of scintillating tile, they achieved test results that were considerably better than tests with a tile that was complete. The trick: stick a silicon photomultiplier into the shaved-off groove, rather than just on the outside of the tile. “After quite a few iterations, we came up with a shape for the plastic tile that works extremely well. It also now includes a SiPM that is embedded into the tile, which is important for a realistic calorimeter since then the individual cells can be placed edge on edge, without any gaps between them,” explains the team leader Frank Simon. Frank Simon is also an active blogger on Quantum Diaries, and one of his most recent entries features an explanation of tiles, fibres and photomultipliers and how they came up with the idea of reshaping the tile.
Category: Feature | Tagged: CALICE, scintillator, SiPM
Perrine Royole-Degieux | 4 March 2010Last week, collaborators from the ILC-HiGrade European Commission Framework 7 Project gathered at CERN, Switzerland for their annual meeting. Each project work package, from cavity, coupler and tuner production to ILC governance studies, was reviewed on 25 February. The ILC-HiGrade project is conducted by six European institutions: DESY, CEA, CERN, CNRS/IN2P3, INFN and Oxford University. 'ILC-HiGrade' stands for 'International Linear Collider and High Gradient Superconducting RF-Cavities' and one of the main objectives of the proposal is a small serial production of accelerating cavities at highest gradients.
Category: Feature | Tagged: Europe, ILC HiGrade
Rika Takahashi | 25 February 2010Following the successful cavity string work for superconducting acceleration cavities from Europe and Americas, a team of four scientists and engineers form INFN, Italy and Fermilab, US, arrived in Japan for the assembly work of the frequency tuners for S1-global work.
Category: Feature | Tagged: KEK, S1-global