Nina Laskowski | 23 June 2016The International Large Detector (ILD) is one of two detector concepts which are under study for the International Linear Collider. ILD started about ten years ago with the merger of two different concept groups. The concept group developed a detector design which was documented in the ILC’s Technical Design Report TDR. Over the past few months ILD has given itself a new structure, to address the future challenges of the ILC project.
Category: Feature | Tagged: detector R&D, ILD, management, TDR
Ricarda Laasch | 9 June 2016A long-standing issue that had kept civil engineers and accelerator developers busy has now been resolved: the design option of the loaf-shaped Kamaboko tunnel will have a separating wall of 1.5 metres.
Category: Feature | Tagged: CFS, TDR, Technical Design Report
Tohru Takahashi (Hiroshima University) | 26 May 2016A Spanish Japanese Collaboration in industry and science? Yes, a collaboration which just took another important step to strengthen this relationship at May 13th at the Collaboration Opportunities on Fusion and Accelerator Technologies and Projects workshop at the Spanish Embassy in Tokyo. Tohru Takahshi from Hiroshima University attended this workshop and offers his impressions about the actual developments and relations between Japan and Spain. In his short review of this event he included many details about the speakers, the Spanish Japanese History and of course a short look in further events.
Category: Feature | Tagged: AAA, cooperation, ECFA LC2016, ILC, industry, ITER, Japan, Spain
Rika Takahashi | 24 March 2016After a strategic US-Japan meeting earlier this year, the delegates from Japan recently briefed their colleagues on the outcome of the various discussions. The US and Japan have strong ties in science and technology, and the ILC plays an important role.
Category: Feature | Tagged: ILC site, Japan, MEXT, United States
Rika Takahashi | 10 March 2016On 26 February, members of the ICFA gathered in a conference room in Tokyo, Japan, for the press conference, explaining the status of accelerator science in the world.
Category: Feature | Tagged: CERN, DESY, Fermilab, ICFA, ILC, KEK
Barbara Warmbein | 3 March 2016Spirits lifted by a motivating talk by CERN's new Director-General, scientists attending the recent CLIC workshop say that there’s a lot that’s happening in the world of the Compact Linear Collider study.
Category: Feature | Tagged: CERN, CLIC, magnets, power, X-band
Barbara Warmbein | 11 February 2016Dear colleagues, this one is for you. All those paper writing thesis completing report submitting physicists out there: here comes a new central paper for your list of references and your reading list. It provides a comprehensive physics case for the e+e- linear collider and puts all the topics and ideas from theory, collider searches, astronomy in context to each other. It’s been published in the open-access peer-reviewed European Physical Journal C (EPJC).
Category: Feature | Tagged: CLIC, compositeness, dark matter, Higgs, ILC, physics case, supersymmetry, theory
Barry Barish | 11 February 2016The direct detection of gravitational waves, announced today by the LIGO-VIRGO scientific collaborations, marks another great day in the history of fundamental research. It is the product of years of preparation, data taking and hard scientific work and provides just as many answers as new questions to physics. One man has witnessed the project’s history and its breakthrough first hand and provides his personal view of the story (and what it means for other science projects): former ILC Director Barry Barish.
Category: Feature | Tagged: Barish, Caltech, CNRS, Einstein, gravitational waves, ILC, INFN, LIGO, MIT, NIKHEF, Virgo
28 January 2016We often get requests to use the ILC logo from companies and organisations who would like to show their support for the International Linear Collider project. We have a solution: here's the new "We support the ILC" logo, ready for use wherever you please.
Category: Feature | Tagged: Kitakami, logo, support