Tag archive: AAP review
Barry Barish | 18 March 2010
[...] we have sought a more critical technical review process. We now have had such a review and it has made us reconsider some of our plans as a result. We will be interacting with the AAP in the coming months regarding the detailed recommendations in their report.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
AAP review, Accelerator Advisory Panel, SB2009
Barbara Warmbein | 4 June 2009
A few weeks after the first big Accelerator Advisory Panel (AAP) review at the TILC09 meeting in Tsukuba, Japan, the panel has published its review results (see also the two most recent Director’s Corners on this topic). After two months of preparation, an intense week of presentations and another few weeks of writing up the results, the 13 members – ten ILC researchers and three from outside the linear collider world – presented a set of recommendations that intend to lead the ILC's most important areas of research and development to successful completion by the end of the Technical Design Phase (TDP) in late 2012.
Feature | Tagged:
AAP, AAP review, Accelerator Advisory Panel
Barry Barish | 4 June 2009
The AAP is an "inside" panel that is augmented by some outside experts and has the mandate of continually monitoring, reviewing and giving me advice on the technical aspects of our work.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
AAP, AAP review, Accelerator Advisory Panel, review
Barry Barish | 19 February 2009
TILC09 will be held in Tsukuba, Japan, from 17 to 21 April 2009: We will once again share a venue for the Global Design Effort meeting with an ILC physics and detector workshop. These joint meetings help bring us all together as a single community.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
AAP, AAP review, Accelerator Advisory Panel, TILC09
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