Tag archive: cavity diagnostic
Leah Hesla | 29 March 2012
Researchers at Cornell University's Energy Recovery Linac programme recently achieved three milestones in two months. One of them could lead to more reliable superconducting accelerator cavities.
Around the World | Tagged:
beam current, beam emittance, cavity diagnostic, cavity processing, cavity testing, Cornell, energy recovery linac, ERL, SRF technology
Leah Hesla | 1 September 2011
Accelerator cavities have their faults, and some pits and cracks hide deep in the walls or in out-of-the-way places where they aren’t easily found. Accelerator researchers help improve flawed cavities by taking their fault-finding missions beneath the cavity surface with X-ray computed tomography.
Around the World | Tagged:
cavity, cavity diagnostic, Fermilab
Leah Hesla | 21 April 2011
Elegant and inexpensive, the second-sound detection system developed at Cornell University helps scientists triangulate the location of hard-to-see accelerator cavity flaws. Helium helps.
Feature | Tagged:
cavity, cavity diagnostic, cavity inspection, cavity surface, Cornell, Cornell University, oscillating superleak transducers, second sound, superconducting cavity
Marc Ross | 26 March 2009
This guest Director's Corner is about our effort to open new relationships and partnerships with the (cavity manufacturing) companies, worldwide.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
cavity diagnostic, cavity manufacturing, cavity production, fabrication process, industrialisation, SRF industrialisation
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