Tag archive: cavity production
Mike Harrison | 4 April 2013
The problems of succession to the throne have bedeviled society throughout the ages. For centuries the European approach seemed to involve bloodshed ranging from the personal to the national level. The recent transfer of power in the linear collider world might not have been violent, but it still faces the eternal question of “OK, so where do we go from here?” Here are some thoughts on the ILC programme.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
cavity production, CLIC, cryomodule, Higgs factory, Technical Design Report
Marc Ross | 28 July 2011
Niobium’s superconducting ability recommends it as a metal of choice for ILC accelerating cavities, but it brings challenges to the R&D table. Laboratories and industry alike work to set down the best possible, most cost-effective process for forming niobium into high-performing structures.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
cavity production, Cavity Production Pilot Plant, niobium
Leah Hesla | 7 April 2011
Fermilab and Jefferson Lab redouble efforts on hydroformed cavities through R&D and industrialisation.
Feature | Tagged:
cavity, cavity processing, cavity production, cavity testing, DESY, Fermilab, hydroforming, JLab, niobium
Kaoru Yokoya | 30 April 2009
(...) One of the most important plans for the ILC project is to build a new superconducting radiofrequency (rf) cavity production facility on KEK premises, aiming to gain experiences for industrialisation and future mass-production.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
cavity production, industrialisation, Japan, KEK
Marc Ross | 26 March 2009
This guest Director's Corner is about our effort to open new relationships and partnerships with the (cavity manufacturing) companies, worldwide.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
cavity diagnostic, cavity manufacturing, cavity production, fabrication process, industrialisation, SRF industrialisation
Elizabeth Clements | 16 February 2006
On Monday, 6 February, a team of cryogenic engineers and accelerator physicists at Fermilab successfully cooled the first TESLA 9-cell 1.3 GHz cavity to 4.5 K (Kelvin) in the ILC Test Area in the Meson Detector Building (ILCTA-MDB). Travelling to Hamburg, Germany, Fermilab personnel assisted DESY in preparing the "ILC-like" cavity, called Capture Cavity II (CCII), and shipped it to its current home in Batavia, Illinois in August 2005.
Feature | Tagged:
cavity, cavity production, DESY, Fermilab
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