Tag archive: cavity R&D
Nikolai Promies, DESY | 23 November 2016
Teachers in the test beam! ILC cavitiy testing and test beam life played a major role at a recent teacher training held at DESY. It was the first time that the German lab invited high school teachers for a week focused on particle physics.
Around the World | Tagged:
calorimeter, cavity R&D, cloud chamber, DESY, ILC HiGrade, outreach, school lab, teachers, test beam
Julianne Wyrick | 25 July 2013
Hydrogen has long been known as a possible enemy of superconducting radiofrequency (SRF) cavities - like those needed for the ILC - thanks to its potential to form non-superconducting hydrides that limit cavity quality factor (Q) and gradient. Researchers at Fermilab have made further progress in understanding the full physics behind hydrogen involvement, which is an important step towards improvements in cavity processing.
Around the World | Tagged:
cavity, cavity R&D, Fermilab, quality factor, SCRF, SRF technology, superconducting cavity
Akira Yamamoto | 29 March 2012
As a result of the continued improvement of cavity processing and a better understanding of the gradient limit, researchers are closely approaching their design goals, with the hope of reaching them by the end of 2012.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
cavity gradient, cavity R&D, quality factor, SCRF, SRF, Technical Design Phase
Elizabeth Clements | 4 January 2007
To make the superconducting cavities for the ILC sparkle, they must undergo a series of surface treatments to make them as clean and pure as possible – a necessity for achieving high accelerating gradients. Electropolishing and Buffered Chemical Polishing, the two types of chemical treatments required for the cavities, are not simple tasks. They involve tricky chemicals and a detailed recipe for producing the best cavities possible.
Feature | Tagged:
BCP, buffered chemical polishing, cavity processing, cavity R&D, Cornell University, DESY, JLab, KEK
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