Tag archive: CFS
Marc Ross | 30 September 2010
There is an encouraging possibility that Japan will bid to host the ILC. Earlier this month, at the autumn meeting of the Physical Society of Japan held at the Kyushu Institute of Technology, representatives of the Japanese ILC community announced two potential ILC sites.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
CFS, conventional facilities and siting, ILC site, Japan, mountain-region ILC sites
Rika Takahashi | 8 July 2010
On 1-2 June, the review on the design study of the ILC conventional facility in mountain regions was held at KEK, Japan, and the final review report was submitted last week by the review panel lead by Vic Kuchler of Fermilab to Seiya Yamaguchi, head of KEK's Linear Collider Office and to Marc Ross, project manager of the Global Design Effort (GDE) in charge of the conventional facility study (GDE/CFS).
Feature | Tagged:
Asia, CFS, conventional facilities, single tunnel
Barbara Warmbein | 23 April 2009
In order to have a detailed and visual model of the ILC tunnels, shafts, accelerator components, beam pipes and support lines, a team from around the world has just shown that they can produce three-dimensional ILC models. These will be crucial for efficient future planning and integration and will now be extended to other areas than the one of the sample exercise.
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3D model, CAD, CFS, EDMS
Barbara Warmbein | 12 February 2009
The small town of Schenefeld just outside Hamburg in northern Germany isn't exactly known for its sights or its tourism. Many Schenefeld citizens, however, have recently become tourists in their own neighbourhood: ever since the construction works for the European XFEL started on 8 January, the building site sees a steady flow of visitors stopping by on or from their way to the shops, checking on progress, curious about their new neighbour. While the whole ILC project can learn a lot from this curiosity (namely establishing good contact with neighbours when construction for the collider starts), one specific group is digging deeper: the 'conventional facilities and siting (CF&S)' team is establishing close contacts to experts working on the European XFEL to learn from them and to help when possible.
Feature | Tagged:
CFS, conventional facilities, conventional facilities and siting, XFEL
Barry Barish | 10 July 2008
One of the most difficult and tricky issues for the Global Design Effort in carrying out our design work is how to approach the siting issue for the ILC before proposals are actually solicited for hosting the machine. Conventional facilities are a major part of the project, accounting for almost one third of the total costs. Therefore, in order to bring as much reality to our reference design as possible, we asked for and studied three "sample sites," one from each region.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
CFS, conventional facilities and siting, Dubna, ILC site, JINR, Russia
Elizabeth Clements | 18 October 2007
International Linear Collider workshops tend to be hectic. Meetings are scheduled back to back and often overlap. The days start early and end late. The coffee breaks are a brief, necessary respite. In a virtual collaboration, the three Conventional Facilities & Siting Group leaders understand that face to face time is precious, making it easy to spot the trio together. A meal together here and a coffee there can add up to a lot, and the CFS group leaders take advantage of every minute. For this next workshop at Fermilab from 22-26 October, however, there will be a new CFS co-leader on the block – John Osborne from CERN.
Around the World | Tagged:
CFS, conventional facilities and siting
Barry Barish | 9 August 2007
Where will the ILC be built? This is one of the first questions people ask me whenever I give a presentation on our ambitions to build a new accelerator for particle physics.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
CFS, conventional facilities, double tunnel, ILC site
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