Tag archive: DESY
Barbara Warmbein | 18 April 2013
A concept to save space and power for future particle detectors called power pulsing has recently been tested and proven to work on one of the possible calorimeter options for the future ILC detectors. The silicon-tungsten electromagnetic calorimeter prototype took data in test beam and magnet at the German lab DESY. The project is currently run by groups from France and Japan.
Around the World | Tagged:
CALICE, DESY, detector R&D, electromagnetic calorimeter, France, Japan, power pulsing, test beam
Image: DESY | 20 December 2012
The German lab DESY is saying good-bye to one of its accelerator workhorses, the DORIS ring. On 2 January 2013 the final beam will go round its tunnel. It has already stopped being a light source: the last positron beam reached the HASYLAB experimental huts on 22 October. Between then and now, DORIS reverted to its original raison d’etre: an accelerator for particle physics.
Image of the week | Tagged:
DESY, particle physics
Barbara Warmbein | 6 December 2012
The technical prototype of the silicon-tungsten electromagnetic calorimeter, one of the calorimeter options for the ILC’s ILD detector, is about to spend its first weeks in a test beam at DESY. The team will test its performance under power-pulsed operation and take detector development one step further towards a real collider detector.
Around the World | Tagged:
calorimeter, calorimetry R&D, DESY, detector R&D, electromagnetic calorimeter, ILD, LAL, test beam, tungsten calorimeter
Barbara Warmbein | 1 November 2012
A team of two scientists and four students from Shinshu University of Japan and Kyungpook National University of Korea have just packed up their cables, laptops and scintillator strips and left a test beam at DESY with many interesting results in their luggage. They tested the scintillator-strip-based electromagnetic calorimeter (ScECAL), one of the potential layers of a future ILC detector.
Image of the week | Tagged:
DESY, detector R&D, electromagnetic calorimeter, Japan, Korea, test beam
Image: DESY, Marco Urban | 27 September 2012
Chancellor Angela Merkel visited DESY on 19 September for a hall baptism: the experimental hall of DESY's light source PETRA III is now officially named Max von Laue, after the discoverer of diffraction of X-rays. DESY DG Helmut Dosch presents the German chancellor (who was a physicist before she became a politician) with a miniature accelerator cavity. In her speech, Merkel stressed the importance of fundamental research, freedom of science and the importance to communicate results. Check DESY's press release for more links, the chancellor's full speech (in German) and images.
Image of the week | Tagged:
DESY, Max von Laue, PETRA III
Barbara Warmbein | 13 September 2012
A team at DESY has created a complete virtual-reality three-dimensional ILC. They have combined information from various computer-aided design systems and about all areas of the ILC together in one model that you can now walk through. This model can highlight problems before they become costly and is a great motivator for the owners of the individual systems.
Feature | Tagged:
3D model, damping ring, DESY, detector hall, ILD, linac, positron source, Virtual reality
Barbara Warmbein | 16 August 2012
A new stage show based on accelerators and accelerator physics is taking off in Germany this month. Conceived by two ILC scientists at DESY, it shows the basic ingredients of a particle accelerator, complete with all the fun stuff, to schoolchildren ages 12 and up. It even gives a live audience-involving demonstration of the fundamental acceleration principle of the ILC.
Around the World | Tagged:
accelerator, DESY, outreach, show
Image: DESY | 16 August 2012
The designated Linear Collider Director Lyn Evans, who will take up his new role when the ILC Technical Design Report has been officially delivered next summer, is already touring the labs. On Monday and Tuesday he visited DESY to inspect its cavity production facilities and chat to DESY scientists about the future.
Image of the week | Tagged:
DESY, Linear Collider Director, organisation
Barbara Warmbein | 19 July 2012
Tracks show the paths of particles passing through the time projection chamber, the tracker prototype for the ILD detector, in a DESY test beam last week. Six brand-new readout modules of the Micromegas type - one possible module type for the final detector - were mounted to the TPC endplate and produced beautiful tracks both from cosmic and beam particles.
Image of the week | Tagged:
CEA, DESY, ILD Detector, Micromegas, test beam, TPC
Barbara Warmbein | 28 June 2012
A new integration technology that could also be used in the ILC detectors will soon serve as a node point for connecting several German and international institutes and universities in the common goal to develop fast, efficient and reliable detector components in the Helmholtz Detector Technology and Systems Platform. The unusual aspect of the collaboration: these detectors are not only for Higgs- and SUSY-hunting apparatus for particle physics, but also for more compact and more targeted devices for use in light sources.
Around the World | Tagged:
3-D silicon technology, DESY, Helmholtz Association, particle physics, photon science
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