Tag archive: detector R&D
Perrine Royole-Degieux | 1 February 2007
At the heart of the massive ILC detector system, the vertex detector, a compact tracking device about the size of a wine bottle, surrounds the interaction region. This high-tech piece of equipment hosts about a billion pixels in total - equivalent to hundreds of the finest cameras. It works just like a 3-D camera because it measures the tracks of outgoing particles with micron precision. "Building and designing a vertex detector for the ILC is a real challenge," said Marc Winter, a physicist leading a micro-electronics group in IPHC, an IN2P3 Laboratory in Strasbourg, France. "This detector will reach fantastic performances, well beyond what was ever achieved so far."
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CMOS, detector R&D, vertex detector
Barry Barish | 1 February 2007
The full realization of the scientific potential of the ILC argues for the construction and operation of two complementary detectors by two international collaborations. (This statement comes from a chapter of the soon to be released ILC Detector Concept Report (DCR))
Director's Corner | Tagged:
detector R&D, ILC design, push-pull
Barry Barish | 2 November 2006
Reaching the science goals for the ILC will require that both the collider performance and the capabilities of the detectors be consistent with the parameters set out by the ILCSC parameters group. For the ILC detectors, this will require improvements in both spatial and energy resolution.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
detector R&D, review
9 March 2006
If built, the International Linear Collider will hurl tiny electrons and positrons down 26 miles of accelerator, colliding the particles at the center in a microscopic explosion. But what good is it all if you can't see it happen?
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detector R&D, ILD Detector
Perrine Royole-Degieux | 26 January 2006
The French ILC community held a SOCLE meeting (Seminar Oriented towards a Contribution to an Electron Linear Collider) in Lyon on 12-13 January 2006. More than 70 participants attended a review of the ongoing ILC detector R&D effort in CNRS/IN2P3 and CEA/DAPNIA laboratories. Future prospects and organisation aspects were discussed. Software tools dedicated to physics analyses and detector optimisation were also debated, in preparation for the Detector Conceptual Report, which will be delivered to the GDE by the end of 2006.
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CALICE, CMOS, detector R&D, France, SiLC, TPC
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