Tag archive: electron cloud
Barbara Warmbein | 11 December 2008
When you have a set of new hardware and a clear mission ahead of you, the first step to complete the mission is to commission the hardware. After reconfiguring their storage ring and light source CESR, Cornell University and the international ILC team working on damping ring studies switched on the machine in early October and performed the first electron cloud studies in the low emittance configuration in November. “It was an intense week and we have some very interesting new data,” says Mark Palmer, CesrTA project manager.
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CesrTA, Cornell University, damping ring, electron cloud
Barry Barish | 5 June 2008
Last week we reported on the beginning of our important experimental programme on electron cloud effects, using the Cornell Electron Storage Ring (CESR) accelerator at Cornell University. This is one of our highest-priority R&D goals during the ILC Technical Design Phase 1 (TDP-1) and is aimed at understanding the magnitude of the problem for the ILC positron damping rings and the effectiveness of our proposed mitigation techniques.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
CesrTA, Cornell University, damping ring, electron cloud, TDP-1, Technical Design Phase
Barbara Warmbein | 29 May 2008
Sometimes even pretty straightforward and remarkably logical ideas take several moves before they become a reality. Take the planned damping rings for the ILC, for example. In the ILC, compact bunches of electrons and positrons are made to collide at very high energy. In order to ensure a high rate of particle collisions, the bunches are cooled in damping rings prior to acceleration. In a cold bunch, the particles are all very close together and travelling in very nearly the same direction with very nearly the same velocity. (In a hot bunch, as in a hot pot of water, the particles are more dispersed and are all moving in different directions.)
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CESR, CesrTA, Cornell University, electron cloud, United States
20 September 2007
Experiments in the PEP-II accelerator have shown that beam pipes with grooves can snare unwelcome electrons, greatly reducing the formation of electron clouds that can disturb the beam.
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electron cloud
9 August 2007
Clouds might be welcome during a drought, but you definitely don't want them in your beam pipes. Researchers around the world are working out how to keep a section of the proposed International Linear Collider—the positron damping ring—clear of electron clouds.
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accelerator R&D, damping ring, electron cloud, SLAC
22 February 2007
In the end of January, the Laboratory for Elementary Particle Physics (LEPP) at Cornell University hosted collaborators from KEK, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Argonne National Laboratory and Alfred University (an undergraduate University in New York State) to conduct electron cloud studies using the CESR storage ring. CESR is unique in that it is a “wiggler dominated” storage ring capable of storing intense beams of both electrons and positrons, singly or simultaneously.
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CESR, Cornell University, damping ring, electron cloud
Barry Barish | 5 October 2006
We have planned from the beginning to quickly create an initial baseline and as a result of technical developments, evolve it in time.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
damping ring, electron cloud, ILC design
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