Tag archive: ESS
Brian Foster | 6 August 2015
I am sure that my readers will remember that in my last Director’s Corner, in April, I threatened to write at some future date about the new Project Implementation Planning (PIP) document. Those of you with an even longer memory, going back to my Director’s Corner of April 2014, may even remember what it is. Just in case, however, I take this opportunity not only to honour my promise of last April to also to refresh your memory and to offer you an opportunity to peruse the final document.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
campus, ESS, European XFEL, ITER, LCB, Project Implementation Planning
Barbara Warmbein | 30 October 2014
Smashing particles together at high energies is power-consuming business. People around the world are discussing to see if the ILC could be made green in the hope to finally reach complete sustainability. More efficient klystrons and cryocoolers, recovering and recycling heat wastes, embedding renewable energies and storage technologies are some of the main issues. The ILC could bring back high-energy physics to one of its core businesses: energy.
Around the World | Tagged:
ESS, green ILC, power consumption, sustainability, Tohoku
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