Tag archive: European Strategy for Particle Physics
Barry Barish | 17 November 2011
The Funding Agencies for Large Colliders (FALC), an informal group of agency representatives met at CERN on 6 October. FALC is constituted to improve the possibilities for international cooperation in high-energy physics by understanding the planning processes in the funding agencies, exchanging information on plans and statuses of projects in different countries or regions and preparing for cooperation on future particle physics facilities. Highlights of this FALC meeting included discussion of plans for the ILC and more generally for lepton colliders following completion of the ILC Technical Design Report, as well as discussions of plans for the European Strategy Update just getting underway.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
CERN Council, CLIC, European Strategy for Particle Physics, FALC, ILCSC
Perrine Royole-Degieux | 4 August 2011
The year 2012 will be a crucial one for particle physics. Physicists expect the Large Hadron Collider and astroparticle physics experiments to draw a clearer picture of the field so that, at the end of the year, the CERN Council could vote on an update of the European strategy for particle physics and, in this way, announce Europe’s top priorities for the five years to follow.
Around the World | Tagged:
astroparticle physics, CERN, CLIC, Europe, European Strategy for Particle Physics, ILC
Barry Barish | 10 March 2011
Representatives of particle physics funding agencies worldwide met at SLAC in January in an informal forum called FALC. This provided an opportunity to jointly discuss the worldwide program and plans in particle physics on the eve of the much anticipated next data run at the CERN Large Hadron Collider.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
CERN, European Strategy for Particle Physics, FALC, funding, funding agencies, INFN, KEK, Super B, SuperKEKB
Brian Foster | 20 July 2006
A new strategy document outlining the future directions for particle physics research in Europe was approved unanimously at a special meeting of the CERN Council in Lisbon on 14 July.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
CERN, Europe, European Strategy for Particle Physics
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