Tag archive: Frascati
Barry Barish | 1 September 2011
As part of the process of developing the ILC technical design, the GDE project managers have initiated a set of technical baseline reviews of major subsystems. The first of those reviews on the ILC damping rings was carried out in July in Frascati, Italy.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
baseline, damping ring, Frascati, ILC baseline, TDR, Technical Design Report
Barbara Warmbein | 12 March 2009
Susanna Guiducci has her head in the clouds – electron clouds, that is. (Sometimes she sits in clouds that gather around the Frascati hills south of Rome where she is based at the INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati or LNF, but that is not really relevant to this story – just very picturesque.) As new leader of the damping ring group, one of the key R&D projects in the ILC’s Technical Design Phase, she also has her feet firmly planted in electron-positron accelerator physics and has been working on damping rings for ten years. All that experience gives her a clear picture of where the challenges lie in the ILC damping ring design, but she is confident: “I am convinced that the parameters set for the damping rings are feasible.”
Profile | Tagged:
damping ring, electron cloud, Frascati, INFN, Italy, LNF, profile
Elizabeth Clements | 15 December 2005
Some of the major recommendations discussed at Frascati include the energy upgrade, number of tunnels, curvature of the tunnel and the number of interaction regions. Kaoru Yokoya, a member of the GDE Executive Committee, outlined the recommendations made in the BCD. "The BCD concluded that a 500 GeV tunnel would be built because of its lower first stage cost.", he said. As the current recommendation stands, a 20 km tunnel would be built during the first stage of the project. An upgrade would occur in between the first and second stage of the project, bringing the machine up to an energy of 1 TeV and increasing the length of the tunnel to approximately 40 km.
Feature | Tagged:
baseline configuration, BCD, Frascati, GDE
Barry Barish | 8 December 2005
This week the GDE is in Frascati, Italy. We have come together for what is only our second face-to-face meeting, following our kick-off meeting as part of the Snowmass workshop just over three months ago.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
BCD, Frascati, INFN, Italy, LNF
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