Tag archive: HEPAP
Harry Weerts | 11 June 2015
Japanese and US officials as well as representatives from the physics community met in Washington, D.C. to discuss how Japan and the US can work together toward the realisation of the ILC. Americas Regional Director Harry Weerts reports.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
caucus, DOE, HEPAP, Japan, JSPS, MEXT
Hitoshi Murayama | 19 June 2014
The ILC came away as a big winner in the P5 process, says LCC Deputy Director Hitoshi Murayama. He gives his take on the importance of the report and its expected positive impact on the ILC in this week's Director's Corner.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
HEPAP, ILC TDR, P5, Snowmass, US R&D program
22 May 2014
The Particle Physics Project Prioritization Panel’s report, released today, recommends a strategic path forward for US particle physics, reports Kathryn Jepsen in symmetry magazine.
Around the World | Tagged:
DOE, HEPAP, High Energy Physics, P5 report, US strategy
Sachio Komamiya | 19 December 2013
With the Higgs boson safely bagged by the LHC and the TDR published the last months were eventful to say the least. Linear Collider Board chair Sachio Komamiya looks back at what happened, what was accomplished in 2013 and what still needs to be done to make the linear collider an operational project in Japan.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
European Strategy for Particle Physics, HEPAP, Japan, Science Council of Japan, site selection, TDR
Hitoshi Yamamoto | 11 July 2013
For the realisation of a linear collider, a significant contribution from the United States is essential. A critical step is that the project is positively included in the US strategy for high-energy physics. The long community planning process – the so-called Snowmass process – will end in a final report to be released at the end of September.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
APS, European Strategy for Particle Physics, HEPAP, Japan, LHC, Snowmass process, US strategy
Barry Barish | 4 October 2012
The High Energy Physics Advisory Panel met on 27 and 28 August in Rockville, Maryland, US. A central focus of this meeting was the proposed Fermilab Long Baseline Neutrino Experiment. The meeting included presentations on the physics potential, the reconfiguration options in response to Department of Energy guidance, and perspectives from Fermilab, the collaboration and the DOE.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
future, HEPAP, long-baseline, neutrinos, United States
Barry Barish | 12 April 2012
HEPAP is the official advisory body to DOE for high-energy physics. At their recent meeting from 12 to 13 March, they dealt with US high-energy physics budgets, including future year projections, and how to reconcile them with the US high-energy physics programme. In the process, they covered a wide variety of topics ranging from the future of the US accelerator R&D programme to next-generation dark matter searches.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
DOE, DOE Office of Science, HEPAP, United States
13 January 2011
Today we received the news that we will not receive funding for the proposed Tevatron extension and consequently the Tevatron will close at the end of FY2011 as was previously planned. The present budgetary climate did not permit DOE to secure the additional funds needed to run the Tevatron for three more years as recommended by the High Energy Physics Advisory Panel.
Around the World | Tagged:
Fermilab, HEPAP, Tevatron, United States
Barry Barish | 21 October 2010
[...] The scope of particle physics has grown in recent years to include what we commonly call particle astrophysics, where some of the most important particle physics questions are also of high importance for astrophysics.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
ApPEC, ASPERA, astrophysics, HEPAP, PASAG
Barry Barish | 12 June 2008
On Thursday, 29 May, the High Energy Physics Advisory Panel held its spring meeting in Washington, DC. The entire meeting was devoted to the presentation and discussion of the anxiously awaited report "US Particle Physics: Scientific Opportunities: A Strategic Plan for the Next Ten Years," by the Particle Physics Project Prioritization Panel, or P5.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
HEPAP, P5 panel, P5 report, United States
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