
Tag archive: IDT

Decision to host: the ILC chicken or egg story

| 29 September 2023 While cooperation in technology is advancing with CERN joining the ILC Technology Network, and the ILC being generally ready to start further development work, there’s a lack of progress on political aspects like international discussions at a governmental level, the International Committee for Future Accelerators learnt at the recent meeting in Australia. IDT Chair Tatsuya Nakada reports on the ILC aspects. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , ,

A team effort for a new collider

| 25 September 2020 Tatsuya Nakada, freshly appointed chair of the newly founded ILC International Development Team, gives his view on the next 18 months in which the IDT will prepare for a Pre-Lab. It’s an ambitious plan, he says, but the overall atmosphere of the Team is very positive. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , , , ,

ICFA Press Release: ICFA appoints members for the ILC International Development Team

25 September 2020 The International Committee for Future Accelerators announced the structure and the team members of the ILC International Development Team, to make the project one step forward. Category: Feature | Tagged: , , , , ,

Americas Workshop on Linear Collider Planned for October

| 25 September 2020 The first virtual Linear Collider Workshop will be held in October. A rich programme responding to and preparing for recent developments will hopefully draw many interested national and international participants, says an organiser. The workshop will work to build the Americas community engaged in the ILC and to motivate ILC contributions to Snowmass 2021. Register now! Category: Around the World | Tagged: , , ,