Tag archive: ILD
Leah Hesla | 23 June 2011
Linear collider collaborators are on board with the use of two platforms to move the ILC’s two colossal detectors in and out of the particle beamline. Now they work to design them so the detectors' rides are as smooth as possible.
Feature | Tagged:
CFS, detector R&D, ILD, machine detector interface, SiD
Sakue Yamada | 19 May 2011
Costing the two ILC detectors more precisely is one of the important activities for the ongoing ILC detector design work, and balancing detector cost and performance depends on the strategy of the detector groups. To learn whether there are differences among them, the groups undertake detailed coordination of their costing methodologies.
Research Director's Report | Tagged:
cost, IDAG, ILD, SiD
17 February 2011
The test beam season is about to start and the prototype of the ILD time projection chamber is being prepared for a round of new tests in the DESY testbeam facility - captured here by a professional photographer.
Image of the week | Tagged:
ILD, test beam, TPC
Sakue Yamada | 18 February 2010
In my report of last December, I wrote about detector activities in the new phase after validation. One of them was the effort of the two detector groups, ILD and SiD, to make the work plans towards their detailed baseline design aimed to be ready in 2012. -- Sakue Yamada
Research Director's Report | Tagged:
detector, ILD, SiD
Perrine Royole-Degieux | 11 February 2010
Some 100 members of the International Large Detector (ILD) group gathered from 27 to 30 January 2010 in Paris, France, deep in the academic Latin Quarter area. This fourth ILD workshop was the first dedicated ILD meeting after the concept was validated in 2009 by the research directorate.
Feature | Tagged:
ILD, ILD Detector
Barry Barish | 14 May 2009
Compared to most accelerators, the ILC will have a much more intimate and complex set of interfaces between the machine and the detectors (MDI).
Director's Corner | Tagged:
4th concept, detector concepts, ILD, letter of intent, LOI, SiD
Barbara Warmbein | 13 November 2008
The time projection chamber is part of the tracker system of a future ILD detector at the ILC and will one day reproduce highly precise tracks of the particles that passed through its gas. A plot of all the tracks leading to a workshop called ‘the tent’ on the DESY campus would make for an interesting event display: in the course of the last weeks many parts for the detector prototype arrived from destinations around the world, together with their experts. While field cage, cathode and module dummies came from Germany, the anode endplate travelled all the way from Cornell University in the States. France brought a Micromegas readout module, Belgium contributed the trigger logic and the Netherlands the beam trigger equipment for the coming test with cosmic rays or test beam.
Around the World | Tagged:
DESY, detector R&D, ILD, time projection chamber, TPC
Barbara Warmbein | 2 October 2008
The scientists working on the International Large Detector concept ILD had met for the second time this year to discuss the set-up of their future masterpiece. The ILD group formed about a year ago from the former GLD and LDC detector concept groups. Both concepts had their plans for trackers, calorimeters and the detector set-up as a whole.
Around the World | Tagged:
7 February 2008
A global project like the ILC depends on global cooperation. The contributors are scattered all over the world. Researchers cannot simply walk down the hall to get advice from a colleague because he is likely to sit somewhere half a world away. However, there is technology that helps scientists to cover these distances virtually: discussions in internet forums and regular telephone and video conferences are part of any scientist’s everyday life.
Feature | Tagged:
Elizabeth Clements | 18 January 2007
Almost three years after EuroTeV (The European Design Study Towards a Global TeV Linear Collider) convened for the very first time at Daresbury Laboratory in February 2004, the collaboration met once again this past week amidst the rolling green hills and gusting gales to acknowledge programme accomplishments and discuss plans for the future.
Feature | Tagged:
ILD, ILD Detector, Japan, KEK
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