Tag archive: interaction region
Lyn Evans | 22 January 2015
The LCC Directorate is constantly reinforcing its bridges, especially with our Japanese colleagues. At this critical time before the decision whether Japan will offer to host the ILC is taken, they travelled to the designated site to inspect port, roads and discuss with local and national authorities, reports LCC Director Lyn Evans. If the ILC gets built, some real bridges will have to be reinforced so that heavy high-tech can travel from the port to the site.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
ILC site, interaction region, Iwate, Japan, Kitakami, MEXT, Miyagi
Barry Barish | 10 May 2012
The ILC physics programme is based on building two complementary detectors that will share beam time. The value of having two detectors with different designs, technologies, collaborations and emphasis has proven to be a very effective way to exploit the science. For the ILC, we propose using a push-pull concept to cost-effectively share the beam between two detectors.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
CFS, ILC baseline, interaction region, push-pull
Barbara Warmbein | 10 May 2012
Five shafts, pacmen shields and moving platforms: the design for the hall in which the ILC detectors will sit, be pushed and pulled, record data, get upgrades and maintenance is now final, at least for an ILC that is not built underneath mountains.
Feature | Tagged:
cavern, CFS, detector R&D, ILD, interaction region, SiD
Barbara Warmbein | 16 August 2007
Like the rest of society, the ILC community is split into two categories: the early risers and the night owls. Workshop organiser Andrei Seryi considers himself a night owl. Nevertheless he is up at 5 and in the lab at 6 am many days per week these weeks, holding phone meetings with the rest of the world. Some hundred specialists are already extremely busy preparing for the ILC interaction region engineering design workshop, or IRENG07, at SLAC in September. Their goal: to have all the facts together to take important decisions for the ILC’s interaction region.
Feature | Tagged:
interaction region, IRENG, push-pull, SLAC
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