Tag archive: Iwate
Barbara Warmbein | 5 April 2018
The planners and builders of the future ILD detector met in Ichinoseki, close to the potential future home of their high-tech masterpiece, in February to compare notes and advance the detector design.
Around the World | Tagged:
calorimeter, detector development, Ichinoseki, ILD, Iwate, software, tracker
29 October 2015
Live from Kitakami: the potential future host region of the ILC continues to show strong support for the project. Ichinoseki town ball boasts a new banner and an added I, and the Iwate mascots have also embraced the ILC.
Image of the week | Tagged:
Ichinoseki, ILC site, Iwate, Kitakami, support, Tohoku
Barbara Warmbein | 25 June 2015
In spring, 1408 high school students answered a survey done by the Oshu International Relations Association. The survey asked whether they had heard about the ILC, what it meant to them and whether they had any worries or expectations. The results are fascinating and will have some influence on how the project will be communicated to locals if it gets approved.
Around the World | Tagged:
community work, Iwate, Japan, outreach, siting, Super B
Amanda Wayama | 22 January 2015
Things are moving forward in the year 2015 – technical planning for the ILC is proceeding, and the Japanese national government is preparing to make a decision whether or not to host the project. But what about Iwate, the region home to the Kitakami candidate site? What are their plans for 2015? Masataka Miya, director of ILC Promotion for Iwate, talks to Amanda Wayama, International Communications Officer for the Iwate Prefectural Government, about Iwate’s strategy for the next year.
Live from Japan | Tagged:
Iwate, Japan, Kitakami site, science city
Lyn Evans | 22 January 2015
The LCC Directorate is constantly reinforcing its bridges, especially with our Japanese colleagues. At this critical time before the decision whether Japan will offer to host the ILC is taken, they travelled to the designated site to inspect port, roads and discuss with local and national authorities, reports LCC Director Lyn Evans. If the ILC gets built, some real bridges will have to be reinforced so that heavy high-tech can travel from the port to the site.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
ILC site, interaction region, Iwate, Japan, Kitakami, MEXT, Miyagi
Barbara Warmbein | 20 February 2014
Are you confused yet? Is Kitakami a mountain or a town, a river or a region? What’s “Iwate” and what does it have in common with Sendai? Here’s a glossary to help you understand all those new words and look them up before you go. Oh, and by the way: Kitakami is all of the above and Iwate and Sendai are all in the Tohoku region of Japan…
Feature | Tagged:
Ichinoseki, Iwate, Kitakami, Oshu, Tohoku
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