Tag archive: Korea
Rika Takahashi | 2 October 2008
The International Linear Collider requires a detector with excellent performance to fully exploit its physics potential. In order to meet this challenge, significant improvements in the calorimetric performance are needed compared to previous generations of detectors, and new technologies and techniques are being developed. To test those technologies and techniques with particle beams, scientists are travelling around the world, to where beamlines with particle beams for tests are available.
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ECal, Fermilab, Japan, Korea
Rika Takahashi | 6 September 2007
“Daegu is exactly a one-hour drive away from Pohang. So I visit Daegu frequently, and vice versa, because people from Kyongpook National University come to Pohang,” said Won Namkung, professor at Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) and Asian Linear Collider Steering Committee chair. These two cities, Daegu and Pohang, are the centres for Korean ILC R&D. Ever since one of the centres, the Pohang Accelerator Laboratory (PAL), a synchrotron light source facility in Korea, organised an ILC Task Force Team in 2004, the members have been working in various fields of study and have already achieved some milestones.
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Korea, PAL, Pohang Accelerator Laboratory
23 August 2007
As a virtual collaboration, members of the ILC community took advantage of last week’s Lepton Photon conference and held parallel meetings for the GDE Executive Committee, ILC Steering Committee (ILCSC) and the International Committee for Future Accelerators (ICFA).
Around the World | Tagged:
Rika Takahashi | 2 August 2007
Every month, a lot of Asian researchers come to KEK to conduct their research or experiments. “We have had 45 visitors for fiscal year 2007 so far, including ten Korean researchers,” says Tomiko Shirakata, secretary at KEK’s Linear Collider Project Office. Shirkata is in charge of KEK’s visitors programme activities and provides all visitor supports such as arranging logistics, dealing with the consulate service for visa applications, and giving tips on how to spend days off in Japan. KEK launched the visitor programme in April 2006 aiming to facilitate the foreign researchers’ activities in Japan, especially for Asian researchers and students, who may have difficulties to conduct research overseas for some country-specific reasons.
Around the World | Tagged:
Asia, KEK, Korea
Nobuko Kobayashi | 27 April 2006
The Global Design Effort used to have two Korean members, one from Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics (CHEP) and the other from Pohang Accelerator Laboratory (PAL). But when a member from PAL moved to CHEP, the GDE recruited two new members, Jinhyuk Choi and Younguk Sohn of PAL, to restore balance.
Around the World | Tagged:
Asia, Korea
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