Tag archive: milestone
20 December 2012
Tokyo, 15 December. The draft of the Technical Design Report (TDR) for the planned International Linear Collider ILC was handed over to Jonathan Bagger, the chair of the International Linear Collider Steering Committee (ILCSC), at an official ceremony in Tokyo, Japan, on 15 December. This draft is the product of many years of research and development and a series of in-depth technical reviews for the ILC, the potential next-generation particle collider to complement and advance beyond the physics of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. The handing over of the TDR draft marks the ILC's major step towards the completion of its final design.
Feature | Tagged:
ILCSC, Japan, milestone, TDR
Rika Takahashi | 20 December 2012
After the official handover ceremony of the TDR draft in Tokyo last Saturday, ILC experts, policy makers and members of industry discussed the potential of building the ILC in Japan. One conclusion was that physicists from all over the world would be welcome in Japan, even though they may be considered strange by some.
Around the World | Tagged:
AAA, JPC, milestone, TDR
Rika Takahashi | 26 April 2012
KEK's superconducting radiofrequency test facility, called STF, has graduated. No longer a test facility, it is now a fully fledged accelerator.
Around the World | Tagged:
Japan, KEK, milestone, Quantum Beam Project, SRF, STF
Barry Barish | 4 November 2010
One of our most visible and important ILC R&D short-term milestones has been to demonstrate production of ILC superconducting radio frequency cavities with gradient of greater than or equal to 35 megavolts per metre (MV/m) and Q0 = 8x10^9 and 50 percent production yield. [...] Today I announce the successful achievement of that important 2010 milestone.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
cavity gradient, milestone, quality factor
Barry Barish | 2 August 2007
The Global Design Effort was created by the International Linear Collider Steering Committee (ILCSC) under an MoU, which was initially signed by eleven countries.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
Barry Barish | 17 August 2006
One year ago, most of the 49 newly appointed members of the Global Design Effort came to Snowmass, Colorado, for the International Linear Collider Workshop where they participated in our first GDE face-to-face meeting.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
GDE, milestone
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