
Tag archive: physics

ILC250 Higgs factory: ready for launch!

| 1 March 2018 The ILC with a collision energy of 250 GeV in its initial stage will be a proper Higgs factory, producing half a million nearly background-free Higgs particles over the course of a decade for true model-independent Higgs studies, as well as other SM tests and searches for other, new particles. "Bring them on," says Jim Brau, Associate Director for Physics and Detectors in the Linear Collider Collaboration. "We are ready." Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , , , ,

A well-focused workshop on top quark physics held at KEK

| 22 July 2016 The top quark is one of the pillars of the physics topics that linear colliders address. From 6 to 9 July 2016, a dedicated workshop on top physics at the lepton colliders was held at KEK. Category: Image of the week | Tagged: , ,

From shutdown to cooldown: the LHC is preparing to get back online

| 1 May 2014 The LHC’s long shutdown is nearing its end. All magnet interconnects have been opened and checked, and with the first of eight sectors scheduled for cooldown this month, it’s well on its way towards new discoveries, says LCC Director Lyn Evans. After all, results from the LHC determine the future of particle physics around the world, and the ILC is no exception. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , ,

Some highlights from the KILC12 workshop

| 7 June 2012 The international KILC12 workshop was held in April in Korea to discuss topics varying from ILC physics to the nuts and bolts of the accelerator and detector designs for the International Linear Collider. This meeting came at a crucial time when the design decisions for the Technical Design Report was being finalised and the writing of the report being begun in earnest. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , , , ,

Physics at the Beijing Linear Collider Workshop

| 1 April 2010 [...] ILC physics is great, as long as the new particles are within range, enabling us to reconstruct theory based on data. What energy is enough? LHC will tell us, so look forward! We need to be ready once there is new physics. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , , , ,