Tag archive: polarisation
Shin Michizono | 5 April 2018
Shinichiro Michizono, Associate Director for the ILC in the Linear Collider Collaboration, takes a look at the proposed 250-GeV ILC from an accelerator expert’s point of view.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
250 GeV ILC, accelerator R&D, cost optimisation, polarisation, positron souce, undulator
Images: KEK and Rika Takahashi | 4 September 2014
It's meeting season in North Japan: a series of workshops held in Ichinoseki as well as in Tokyo brings together linear-collider scientists from all sorts of backgrounds: polarisation, particle sources, detector design, physics studies, and, coming up, machine-detector interface and civil engineering.
Image of the week | Tagged:
detector R&D, Iwate Prefecture, polarisation, PosiPol, positron source, SiD
1 May 2014
This week, the German LC Forum took place at the University of Bonn. The LC Forum was initiated by the Helmholtz Alliance "Physics at the Terascale“ to provide a regular discussion platform for all aspects of linear colliders – accelerator, detectors, physics. The meeting was held in the Bethe Center for Theoretical Physics and yielded lively discussion, also in preparation of the American Linear Collider Workshop. Among the focus topics were for example beam polarisation, characterisation of dark matter particles at the ILC, and recent results on LC detector R&D.
Image of the week | Tagged:
German linear collider forum, polarisation
Barbara Warmbein | 8 May 2008
Theorists and experimentalists aren't always of the same opinion. There is one thing on which opinions aren't polarised though, and that is polarisation. Polarisation is a special characteristic of a particle bunch – a sort of measure of the particles’ combined spin – that, when studied in the right sort of detector at the ILC, is supposed to give clues and answers on phenomena like the Higgs, supersymmetry or searches for new physics and extra dimensions. To study the collisions, and also to understand polarisation better, a few groups of a total of about 30 people around the world are designing and building polarimeters that measure the degree of polsarisation of the particles before and after collisions. They have just had their first 'collaboration' meeting at DESY in Zeuthen, near Berlin, Germany.
Around the World | Tagged:
beam delivery system, DESY, Germany, polarimeter, polarisation, polarised electron beam, polarised positron beam
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