Tag archive: PosiPol
Images: KEK and Rika Takahashi | 4 September 2014
It's meeting season in North Japan: a series of workshops held in Ichinoseki as well as in Tokyo brings together linear-collider scientists from all sorts of backgrounds: polarisation, particle sources, detector design, physics studies, and, coming up, machine-detector interface and civil engineering.
Image of the week | Tagged:
detector R&D, Iwate Prefecture, polarisation, PosiPol, positron source, SiD
Min Zhang | 8 September 2011
Researchers gather in Beijing to discuss the latest and future research on positron sources for a next-generation linear collider at this year’s POSIPOL workshop.
Feature | Tagged:
IHEP, polarised positron beam, PosiPol, positron source, positron target
1 September 2011
Kaoru Yokoya takes in Zhuanti calligraphy, one of China’s ancient fonts, at the National Art Museum of China during the social event for the POSIPOL 2011 workshop.
Image of the week | Tagged:
China, PosiPol
Min Zhang | 1 September 2011
Scientists working on the positron source for a future linear collider gather in Beijing to discuss R&D and accelerator design.
Feature | Tagged:
Beijing, PosiPol, positron R&D, positron source
10 June 2010
The POSIPOL 2010 workshop was held from 31 May to 2 June at KEK. It was the fifth in the POSIPOL series of workshops dealing with the physics aspects, the design issues, and the open questions concerning a polarised positron source in the framework of the next-generation electron-positron colliders such as the ILC or the Compact Linear Collider Study CLIC. A total of 44 scientists from Europe, Asia and the US attended the workshop, including some via videoconference. The main topic of the POSIPOL 2010 was design of the polarized positron sources for the ILC and for CLIC. The only linear accelerator which used a positron beam was the SLAC Linear Collider (SLC) at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory in the US "For CLIC, we will need to produce 18 times more positrons than SLC, and 65 times more for the ILC", said Dr. Louis Rinolfi (CERN), who is convener of the ILC/CLIC joint working group for positron studies, "these numbers show how far we are from what where want to be," Rinolfi said.
Feature | Tagged:
KEK, PosiPol
3 July 2008
The PosiPol2008 workshop was held from 16 to 18 June in Hiroshima, Japan. An unfamiliar word, "PosiPol" stands for "polarised positrons", meaning that the "spins" of positrons are aligned when they meet electrons at the centre of a linear collider. The electron beam is designed to be polarised at the ILC, but according to the baseline configuration positrons are unpolarised (or left naturally polarised) because making polarised positron is a difficult task to do.
Around the World | Tagged:
Japan, polarised positron beam, PosiPol, positron source
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