Tag archive: Pre-Lab
Barbara Warmbein | 1 June 2021
The devil is in the detail. If a particle physics experiment doesn’t work, it’s often the low-tech components that cause trouble, not the high-tech ones, because the high-tech ones have been tested to the core. To avoid teething and logistics problems for the ILC, a project called “Cryomodule Global Transfer” will kick off next year.
Around the World | Tagged:
accelerator R&D, cryomodule, European XFEL, Pre-Lab, SCRF
Tatsuya Nakada | 1 June 2021
After ten months of work, the ILC International Development Team, mandated to prepare the ILC Preparatory Laboratory, is reaching the first milestone with the release of a proposal which outlines the organisational framework, an implementation model and work plan of the Pre-lab. Many scientists contributed to this effort, showing the great interest of the community in the ILC project. A signal from the Japanese government towards indicating its interest in hosting the ILC and supporting the Pre-lab would now be required for gaining stronger engagement of interested laboratories around the world.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
accelerator R&D, ICFA, ILC, Japan, Pre-Lab
Geoffrey Taylor | 25 September 2020
Geoffrey Taylor, the current chair of the International Committee for Future Accelerators ICFA, explains why ICFA has set up the International Development Team (IDT) and what it will do.
Feature | Tagged:
ICFA, ILC, Japan, Pre-Lab
Tatsuya Nakada | 25 September 2020
Tatsuya Nakada, freshly appointed chair of the newly founded ILC International Development Team, gives his view on the next 18 months in which the IDT will prepare for a Pre-Lab. It’s an ambitious plan, he says, but the overall atmosphere of the Team is very positive.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
ICFA, IDT, ILC, Japan, KEK, Pre-Lab
25 September 2020
The International Committee for Future Accelerators announced the structure and the team members of the ILC International Development Team, to make the project one step forward.
Feature | Tagged:
ICFA, IDT, ILC, Japan, KEK, Pre-Lab
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