Tag archive: SiD
16 October 2008
The third SiD Workshop this year, hosted from 17 to 19 September by the University of Colorado at Boulder, marked an important milestone on SiD's way to the Letter of Intent (LOI): the collaboration froze its detector’s global parameters. The meeting was opened by Barry Barish, who reminded everyone that the "science remains the key to ultimate success" of the ILC programme and that detector development was critical. Given the difficult times for ILC funding both for accelerators and detectors, the meeting included updates on the current funding situation worldwide and on the status in France, Japan, the UK and the US. SiD additionally invited two guest speakers, Howard Nicholson from the US Department of Energy Office of High Energy Physics and Marvin Goldberg from the National Science Foundation, to give the audience an update of the US situation and the view from Washington.
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SiD, SiD parameters
1 May 2008
The SiD detector concept community met last week at the STFC's Cosener's House in Abingdon, UK. This was the first meeting after SiD submitted its Expression of Interest (EoI) and also the first SiD Workshop outside of the Americas. Hosted jointly by the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory and Oxford University, the workshop attracted around 65 participants, mainly from the US and Europe. The focus of the meeting was on the status of the Particle Flow Algorithms (PFA) and on optimising the SiD Detector. Norman McCubbin, the head of Particle Physics division at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, opened the workshop and welcomed the SiD community to Cosener's House. John Jaros (SLAC) then outlined the goals of the workshop in his opening talk.
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Rutherford-Appleton, SiD, SiD workshop, United Kingdom
6 March 2008
After the news about budget reductions, especially for ILC activities, in December last year in the UK and US, there was considerable discussion within SiD whether to have this meeting or not. In the end we decided to proceed as planned because the call for LOIs still exists and SiD wants to prepare an LOI.
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ALCPG07, detector concepts, LOI, SiD, SLAC, UK budget, US budget
Elizabeth Clements | 19 April 2007
At last week's Silicon Detector (SiD) concept meeting, participants used several words starting with the letter F -- Flow, as in particle flow; Funding, as in the need for more resources and manpower to fund detector R&D project; and Freezing, as in the weather at Fermilab. Approximately 70 members of SiD met at Fermilab to share the latest R&D results and plan for the future, namely how to prepare a draft Concept Design Report by this time next year.
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