Tag archive: SLAC
20 January 2011
SLAC's new Director of the Accelerator Directorate Norbert Holtkamp (2nd from left) meets with GDE Project Managers Nick Walker, Marc Ross and Akira Yamamoto on a sunny afternoon in Palo Alto, California. Holtkamp welcomed GDE members to SLAC at their second Baseline Assessment Workshop on Tuesday.
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13 May 2010
Researchers at SLAC and other institutions are creating a sort of pest control for particle beams: squashing the clouds of electrons that gather in accelerators and disrupt experiments.
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electron cloud, SLAC
15 October 2009
Since beginning his career in 1986, SLAC senior scientist and project manager for FACET Andrei Seryi has worked at five labs in three countries, with the last 10 years at SLAC. In this decade, Seryi has led international collaborations to design and build linear accelerator experimental facilities, all while continuing his accelerator research and design projects at SLAC.
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1 October 2009
At SLAC, accelerator physicists Chris Adolphsen and Chris Nantista are working on one point that has proven to be particularly prickly: figuring out how to provide the accelerator with the power needed to drive the machine's high-energy particle collisions.
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coaxial tap off, klystron, SLAC
25 June 2009
Yesterday, a team of physicists and engineers from SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory completed initial testing on a new power source, the Marx modulator, connected to its target device, and launched a yearlong test. This test will be the final step in proving the reliability of a device poised to transform the way particle accelerators are powered.
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marx modulator, SLAC
11 June 2009
The team, from SLAC's Advanced Computations Department, or ACD, is researching how to minimize the effects of charge "wakes" in the ILC, which will smash electrons and positrons into each other. As bunches of these particles race down accelerator tracks, electromagnetic wakes rise behind them. These wakefields can make the going rough for bunches to come, causing some particles to stray off course. As a result, beam quality can suffer and heat can build up inside accelerator cavities, potentially degrading their performance.
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SLAC, wakefield effect
2 April 2009
Commissioning has begun at the Japan-based Accelerator Test Facility 2, a major technology test bed for future accelerators, including the proposed International Linear Collider, or ILC. During the two-year commissioning process, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory physicists are shuttling back and forth to KEK, the high-energy accelerator lab in Tsukuba, to join an international team of scientists working around the clock to get the accelerator's final focus system up and running. When fully commissioned, this system will squeeze the facility's electron beam down to a slender ribbon just 35 nanometers thick—the narrowest beam of particles ever achieved.
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19 March 2009
A Silicon Detector (SiD) workshop was held at SLAC from 2 to 4 March, with the express purpose of reviewing the status of the SiD Letter of Intent, organising the final steps in its completion, and beginning to think of life after the LOI.
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29 January 2009
Something unwanted lurks within accelerator beam pipes around the world: stray electrons. This haze of electrons interacts with positron and proton beams, often causing distortion. Previous tests showed that an insert designed by SLAC researchers works well to capture stray electrons in an environment with no magnetic field. Now, recent tests carried out at the Japanese accelerator facility KEK confirm that a new insert can reduce this electron cloud effect in a magnetic field.
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beam pipe, SLAC
Barry Barish | 4 December 2008
Visionary thinkers converged at SLAC for an ICFA Seminar (International Committee for Future Accelerators) on possible future projects for particle physics during the last week in October.
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