Tag archive: United Kingdom
Philip Burrows | 7 July 2016
The British voted to leave the European Union. What does that mean for science? Phil Burrows, professor at Oxford University and acting Associate Director for the Compact Linear Collider Study in the Linear Collider Collaboration discusses the likely effects the “Brexit” will have for linear collider projects.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
AIDA2020, Brexit, EJADE, ELAN, EuCARD, European Union, EUROTeV, TIARA, United Kingdom
27 August 2009
At the Accelerator Test Facility (ATF) at KEK, researchers around the world are testing the feasibility of their accelerator techniques. Because the ILC beams are very small, very accurate and precise beam diagnostic measurements are required. Physicists from Notre Dame University, US, and Oxford University, UK, visited ATF2 in July to make tests relevant to beam diagnostic measurement.
Feature | Tagged:
ATF, beam diagnostic, KEK, Notre Dame University, Oxford University, United Kingdom, United States
1 May 2008
The SiD detector concept community met last week at the STFC's Cosener's House in Abingdon, UK. This was the first meeting after SiD submitted its Expression of Interest (EoI) and also the first SiD Workshop outside of the Americas. Hosted jointly by the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory and Oxford University, the workshop attracted around 65 participants, mainly from the US and Europe. The focus of the meeting was on the status of the Particle Flow Algorithms (PFA) and on optimising the SiD Detector. Norman McCubbin, the head of Particle Physics division at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, opened the workshop and welcomed the SiD community to Cosener's House. John Jaros (SLAC) then outlined the goals of the workshop in his opening talk.
Feature | Tagged:
Rutherford-Appleton, SiD, SiD workshop, United Kingdom
Barbara Warmbein | 20 March 2008
Have you ever used a map to find an electron? Not possible, you say? Think again. Spell it slightly differently – MAPS – put it into an electromagnetic calorimeter, and you may well be able to track an electron in a calorimeter and see the single electrons in a particle shower. With a spatial granularity of 50 microns square– that's 50 thousandths of a millimetre – a potential sensor, called MAPS or monolithic active pixel sensor, for an ILC detector's digital electromagnetic calorimeter could be an efficient alternative to existing silicon technology. A UK-based group is currently evaluating how suitable this technology is for a calorimeter optimised for particle flow, with a view to seeing how efficient, reliable and cost-effective it is.
Around the World | Tagged:
CMOS, detector R&D, MAPS, monolithic active pixel sensor, United Kingdom
Barry Barish | 13 December 2007
Earlier this week on 11 December, the UK’s Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) announced funding cuts in a number of their physics and astronomy programmes. To my disappointment, the International Linear Collider is one of these programmes. The STFC report states: “We will cease investment in the International Linear Collider. We do not see a practicable path towards the realisation of this facility as currently conceived on a reasonable timescale.”
Around the World | Tagged:
Science and Technology Facilities Council, STFC, United Kingdom
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