About Steinar Stapnes
Steinar Stapnes is the European Representative in the ILC International Development Team's Executive Board.
Jenny List and Steinar Stapnes | 30 January 2025
The Linear Collider Vision Community Event, held from 8 to 10 January at CERN and on zoom, took a fresh look at the physics case, extensions and technologies of a linear collider facility – and proposing such a facility for implementation at CERN. This article summarises the discussion and gives an outlook on the next steps towards the European Particle Physics Strategy Update.
Steinar Stapnes | 19 April 2021
LCWS2021 highlighted the large and increasing international community and efforts pursuing a future linear collider, and the community is now very focused on an ILC Pre-Lab as the immediate next step towards an operational Higgs-factory by 2035.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
Europe, European Strategy for Particle Physics, Higgs factory, ILC
Steinar Stapnes | 10 May 2019
The linear collider community met in Lausanne in April. The main points discussed concerning implementation of a linear collider as the next large international accelerator project are summarised in a document ready for download.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
CLIC, ECFA, ICFA, ILC, Linear Collider
Steinar Stapnes | 1 February 2018
With input to the update of the European Strategy for Particle Phyics due by the end of the year, the linear collider community has its goals clearly defined: progress on the political level and on technology. Steinar Stapnes gives an overview.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
CLIC, CLIC workshop, European Strategy for Particle Physics, ILC, LCWS, X-band
Steinar Stapnes | 23 November 2016
In August this year, the CLIC collaboration published an updated baseline-staging scenario that places emphasis on an optimised first-(and lower-) energy stage that can be extended to higher energies in further stages.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
Steinar Stapnes | 23 July 2015
As the summer conferences are kicking off, providing more and more complete LHC 8 TeV results and the very first glimpses of 13 TeV data, it is also time to start thinking about the autumn linear collider programme. The LCWS15 and the International Linear Collider School will be held in Whistler, BC, Canada.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
accelerator R&D, LC school, LCWS, TRIUMF
Steinar Stapnes | 2 April 2015
The annual CLIC workshop took place at CERN in January. The well attended meeting covered accelerator, detector and physics studies and highlighted a year of interesting results for CLIC, Steinar Stapnes, Associate Director for the Compact Linear Collider Study in the Linear Collider Collaboration, explains.
Steinar Stapnes | 26 November 2014
After a successful linear collider workshop last month, which saw progress in site-specific studies for the ILC and detector optimisation for both ILC and CLIC detectors (and more), Steinar Stapnes is looking ahead to next year's workshops in Japan and Canada.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
accelerator R&D, CLIC, detector R&D, ILC, LCWS, site-specific design
Steinar Stapnes | 3 July 2014
Summer conferences are only just starting, but Steinar Stapnes, director for CLIC in the LCC, looks ahead to the linear collider autumn conference and its specific challenges for ILC as well as for CLIC.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
accelerator R&D, CLIC, detector R&D, ILC, LCWS
Steinar Stapnes | 6 March 2014
The yearly CLIC collaboration meeting took place last month at CERN, welcoming more than 300 physicists from all over the world. After many strategy processes and deliberations, the discussions and presentations were refreshingly focused on the physics, technologies and scientific challenges for the next phase of the project. CLIC’s Steinar Stapnes, Associate Director for the Compact Linear Collider Study reports.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
accelerator R&D, CLIC, detector R&D, technology transfer