Barry Barish | 18 June 2009Last week we held the first ever joint meeting of the GDE Executive Committee and the CLIC Extended Steering Committee. This meeting at CERN represented another step in bringing the CLIC and ILC efforts closer together.
Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: CLIC, CLIC technology, ILC-CLIC collaboration
Barry Barish | 7 May 2009(...) The heart of the GDE organisation and central 'engine' is an Executive Committee (EC) that works very closely with me on carrying out all important policy, organisational and operational matters. Today, I am pleased to announce that Peter Garbincius of Fermilab has joined the EC.
Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: EC, executive committee
Kaoru Yokoya | 30 April 2009(...) One of the most important plans for the ILC project is to build a new superconducting radiofrequency (rf) cavity production facility on KEK premises, aiming to gain experiences for industrialisation and future mass-production.
Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: cavity production, industrialisation, Japan, KEK
Barry Barish | 16 April 2009Last week a major earthquake struck Italy about 10 kilometres from the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (Gran Sasso National Laboratory). The inhabitants of the city of L'Aquila nearby the laboratory suffered numerous injuries and loss of lives, as well as extensive damage to buildings, homes and historic structures. (...) The Gran Sasso Laboratory, the most ambitious deep underground research facility in the world, suffered no significant damage, and for that we can be thankful.
Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: Gran Sasso National Laboratory, INFN, Italy, LNGS