Barry Barish | 5 April 2007I am pleased to announce that the second accelerator school dedicated to linear colliders will be held from 1-10 October 2007 at Ettore Majorana Center, Erice (Sicily), Italy under the sponsorship of the ILC GDE, ILCSC and ICFA Beam Dynamics Panel.
Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: Erice, Italy, LC school, linear collider school, Sicily
Barry Barish | 29 March 2007We are in the process of building an integrated set of ILC project tools for communication, data archiving, engineering, costing, scheduling and project management.
Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: CERN, ILCDoc, Invenio
Barry Barish | 8 March 2007Just before I presented at HEPAP, Dr. Raymond Orbach, Under Secretary for Science at the DOE, gave a presentation where he hypothesised a timescale for completion of the ILC of "the mid-2020s, if not later." Today I discuss the meaning and significance of that statement, as well as give my own views of what will determine the schedule of the ILC.
Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: DOE, ILC schedule, United States
Barry Barish | 8 February 2007The GDEs first major goal was to define the basic parameters and layout for the ILC and document them in a Baseline Configuration Document (BCD). We achieved this at the first GDE meeting held at INFN, Frascati, Italy, in December 2005.
Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: cost estimate, RDR, Reference Design Report