Akira Yamamoto | 23 June 2016The Japanese ministry of education, culture, sports, science and technology MEXT has been investigating the ILC project and the feasibility for it to be hosted in Japan with three working group activities on “Particle and Nuclear Physics” and “Technical Design Report validation” since JFY2014 and “Human Resource ensuring and training” since JFY2015, under the supervision of the ILC Advisory Panel coordinated by MEXT.
Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: governance, human resources, ILC Advisory Group, Japan, MEXT
Hitoshi Murayama | 12 May 2016Humans are curious creatures, always trying to make sense of the world around them. Basic science pushed the humankind forward and will continue to do with projects like the LHC and the ILC. Hitoshi Murayama, Deputy Director of the Linear Collider Collaboration and enthusiastic public lecturer explains why.
Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: basic science, LHC, movie, outreach, Particle Fever, technology benefits
Brian Foster | 28 April 2016The Linear Collider Collaboration comes to the end of its mandate at the end of this year. A working group made up of lab directors from Europe, the US and Japan is looking at options for a new management structure, and in his corner, European Regional Director Brian Foster gives some (unsolicited) advice.
Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: ICFA, LCC, management
Harry Weerts | 14 April 2016The US and Japan work together on a long list of projects in high-energy physics, from current experiments to future plans. At an annual meeting of the “Joint Committee” in Japan, four new projects were added to the list of joint activities, and Harry Weerts, regional director for the Americas, reports that he sees progress on ILC work in Japan, but that US authorities are waiting for a sign from their Japanese counterparts before the project can go ahead.
Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: accelerator R&D, detector R&D, DOE, Japan, KEK, MEXT, US
Hitoshi Yamamoto | 24 March 2016In northern Japan, Iwate prefecture is full of cultural and natural attractions and – even more important – very ILC friendly. Local governments support the ILC with enthusiasm and the local population is quite knowledgeable about the ILC, from children to grandparents. Attendants of the next LCWS2016 workshop will have the opportunity to see it by themselves while in Morioka next December.
Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: Iwate Prefecture, Kitakami site, LCWS16, Morioka
Philip Burrows | 10 March 2016The International Committee for Future Accelerators (ICFA) is a biannual gathering of the heads of major particle physics labs and institutes from around the world for the purpose of sharing news, liaising, and working together to promote global collaboration in our field. The Linear Collider Collaboration (LCC) has its mandate from ICFA, and the LC oversight Board (LCB) met in association with the recent ICFA meeting [see other article] to monitor progress on the three main LCC elements: the ILC, CLIC, and Detector & Physics groups.
Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: 750GeV, CLIC, European Strategy for Particle Physics, FCC, Higgs, ICFA, LCB, LHC
Lyn Evans and Hitoshi Murayama | 3 March 2016As is well known, the International Linear Collider (ILC) is being discussed as an International project, which means many countries around the world would contribute human, technical, and financial resources to the project. This is clearly a very complicated proposition and it takes effort from many directions to keep it moving.
Akira Yamamoto | 11 February 2016Akira Yamamoto, Regional Director for Asia in the Linear Collider Collaboration, had to learn this week that ACFA isn’t what he thought it is. ACFA stands for Asian Committee for Future Accelerators, and contrary to what its name suggests it is an independent body, not a subgroup of the International Committee for Future Accelerators ICFA. He reports from their recent meeting in Kyoto, Japan.
Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: accelerator research, ACFA, European Strategy for Particle Physics, ICFA, P5, photon science