
Category archive: Director’s Corner

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Voice your dream for the ILC!

| 30 October 2014 The ILC may be the first science project in the world that gets approval by video message. But only if there are enough of them, says LCC Director Lyn Evans. Everybody is invited to share his and her enthusiasm for the project. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , ,

Science for Peace

| 16 October 2014 Hitoshi Murayama, Deputy Director of the Linear Collider Collaboration and Director of the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe will give a keynote speech at an event about "Science for Peace and Development" next week at UN headquarters in New York. This event takes place in the framework of CERN 60th anniversary, and his fellow speakers include UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, Nobel Laureates Kofi Annan and Carlo Rubbia and CERN DG Rolf Heuer. Follow the event live by webcast. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , ,

Efforts for the ILC to be matured “from Design to Reality”

| 2 October 2014 Things continue to evolve in the ILC design. In order to make sure that changes and optimisations formally make it into the new design, a change management board has been put into place, recounts Akira Yamamoto. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , ,

ILC: What’s happening in Japan

| 18 September 2014 With a technical design well in place and R&D continuing on accelerator and detectors, the community is waiting for the next big milestone to occur towards the realisation of the ILC. Apart from crucial next results from the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, all eyes are on the potential ILC host Japan. So what’s happening in Japan? Linear Collider Collaboration Director Lyn Evans takes stock Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , , ,

In preparation for LCWS 14

| 4 September 2014 The next big linear collider meeting, LWS14, will take place in Serbia next month. Mike Harrison, Associate Director for the International Linear Collider, explains how this gathering will be key for the ILC project to discuss cross-cutting issues between the accelerator and detector communities and the workshop will emphasise on site-specific design. It should provide the forum to allow a final review by all the interested parties before adopting the new design into the ILC baseline. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , , , ,

Linear Collider School switches lakes

| 21 August 2014 The Linear Collider school, a week of intense lectures and discussions on all things linear, has just taken place at lake Chiemsee in Germany, switching from its former venue in the UK’s Lake District to Bavaria. Brian Foster, European Director in the Linear Collider Collaboration, was one of the lecturers and reports about exotic PhDs and linear collider news from a monastic setting. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , , ,

Supporting political developments in Japan

| 24 July 2014 Hitoshi Yamamoto, Associate Director for Physics and Detectors, explains how the Linear Collider Collaboration contributes to delivering objective, detailed and correct information about the ILC physics case and the ILC detectors to the Ministry for Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , , ,

Challenges and goals for the LCWS14 in Belgrade 6-10 October

| 3 July 2014 Summer conferences are only just starting, but Steinar Stapnes, director for CLIC in the LCC, looks ahead to the linear collider autumn conference and its specific challenges for ILC as well as for CLIC. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , , ,

ILC is big in the US P5 process

| 19 June 2014 The ILC came away as a big winner in the P5 process, says LCC Deputy Director Hitoshi Murayama. He gives his take on the importance of the report and its expected positive impact on the ILC in this week's Director's Corner. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , , ,

Of cavity performance, tiny beams and official roles: progress in a maturing project

| 5 June 2014 Regional Director Akira Yamamoto reports from the Americas Workshop on Linear Colliders (AWLC) 2014 held last month at Fermilab, US. A new official structure gives weight to contributions from scientists who used to juggle linear collider work and their projects “at home”, and in general he observes that big progress is common when a technology hasn’t reached a certain stage of maturity, but once it has, the steps become smaller, but almost more important. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , , ,