Tag archive: baseline configuration
Barry Barish | 16 December 2010
Today, I describe the second of the proposed change actions, which has been stated as follows: "We propose to change the main linac tunnel configuration to one with only a single, accelerator-enclosure tunnel, thereby eliminating the support equipment tunnel proposed in the Reference Design. We propose to develop and include in the baseline two novel High-Level RF power source and distribution schemes ("KCS" and "DRFS") that are better suited to a single-tunnel solution than the scheme proposed in the RDR. A fall-back to the RDR HLRF Technology can be adopted should the R&D on KCS or DRFS not be considered successful."
Director's Corner | Tagged:
baseline configuration, DRFS, ILC baseline, KCS, main linac tunnel, single tunnel
Barry Barish | 2 December 2010
I have officially approved two major changes in the ILC baseline configuration for the next phase of our R&D and design work. [...] Today, I discuss the procedure we have followed to evaluate and decide on these changes.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
baseline, baseline configuration, ILC baseline
Ewan Paterson | 24 June 2010
In a new large accelerator complex which will take years to get approved and constructed, one must maintain some degree of flexibility in its design as many things can change before a construction start.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
baseline, baseline configuration, ILC baseline, ILC design, RDR baseline upgrade, SB2009
Jim Brau | 21 January 2010
[...] Sakue has created a working group of people who are able to simulate the effect of SB2009 parameters on physics performance. Some changes are expected to have little effect on the physics performance of the ILC, while other changes potentially may have important negative implications, challenging the fulfillment of the Parameters and performance.
Research Director's Report | Tagged:
baseline configuration, SB2009
Barry Barish | 14 January 2010
Over the past year, the ILC project managers have led a focussed effort to assess the ILC baseline configuration that is documented in the Reference Design Report (RDR) and as a result have developed a set of proposed baseline changes that are aimed at reducing costs and improve the technical design.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
baseline configuration, RDR, SB2009
Barry Barish | 5 January 2006
As this New Year begins, I would like to briefly remark on our progress and status to date, as we begin to undertake a new set of tasks and goals for 2006.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
baseline configuration, change control board, design cost board
Elizabeth Clements | 15 December 2005
Some of the major recommendations discussed at Frascati include the energy upgrade, number of tunnels, curvature of the tunnel and the number of interaction regions. Kaoru Yokoya, a member of the GDE Executive Committee, outlined the recommendations made in the BCD. "The BCD concluded that a 500 GeV tunnel would be built because of its lower first stage cost.", he said. As the current recommendation stands, a 20 km tunnel would be built during the first stage of the project. An upgrade would occur in between the first and second stage of the project, bringing the machine up to an energy of 1 TeV and increasing the length of the tunnel to approximately 40 km.
Feature | Tagged:
baseline configuration, BCD, Frascati, GDE
Barry Barish | 15 December 2005
Last week at Frascati, we successfully established the baseline configuration that will serve as the basis for the ILC reference design and costing to be carried out next year. There was consensus on most decisions.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
baseline configuration, change control board
Barry Barish | 17 November 2005
Today I am going to give an update on our progress towards the Baseline Configuration Document, BCD. The major goal of the GDE this calendar year is to produce a baseline configuration for the ILC and to document it by the end of 2005.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
baseline configuration, BCD
Barry Barish | 15 September 2005
Snowmass is now behind us and we are ready to begin to assess the outcomes from that successful workshop and to move on to our challenging next goal for this fall, to create a baseline configuration and alternatives for the ILC.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
baseline configuration, ILC baseline
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