Tag archive: CEA
Ricarda Laasch | 22 July 2016
Did you know that more than 1000 superconducting radiofrequency cavities for roughly 150 cryomodules are needed for accelerator projects which are seeking approval at the moment? And it’s more than 24000 cavities if we add the ILC and the FCC. The TESLA Technology Collaboration meeting is one of the key events to attract SCRF experts from all the world The latest one was held at the beginning of the month, at CEA Saclay, France.
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CEA, detailed baseline design, European XFEL, FCC, Fermilab, ILC, KEK, LCLS II, SCRF, SRF, TESLA Technology Collaboration
Roman Pöschl (CNRS/LAL) | 14 April 2016
For their 4th edition, the French Linear Collider Days brought participants to Paris to review recent national development on accelerator, physics and detectors as well as to hear about the global progress of the project at the international level. The meeting was jointly organised by members of CEA/Irfu and IN2P3. Roman Pöschl, member of the organisation committee, summarises.
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accelerator, CEA, CNRS, European XFEL, France, physics and detectors
Ricarda Laasch | 11 June 2015
The European XFEL at DESY, Germany, will be a brilliant light source for a broad range of fundamental research in all areas of science – but it is also the first great mass production of the so-called TESLA technology. The ILC community is thus watching the construction of the European XFEL very closely.
Around the World | Tagged:
CEA, CNRS/IN2P3, CNRS/LAL, DESY, European XFEL, industrialisation, SCRF, superconducting cavity, TESLA technology
Marc Besancon (CEA/Irfu), Maxim Titov (CEA/Irfu) and Marc Winter (CNRS/IN2P3, IPHC) | 9 January 2014
The French Linear collider community organised its second “Linear Collider days” last November. The highlights of the meetings, summarised here by three of the organisers, show the diversity of the fields addressed the community and its expertise. The days ended with a special session dedicated to country reports where accelerator and detector activities in different continents were reviewed in the context of their possible future cooperation with France. It served as one of the building blocks in constructing European ILC Community.
Around the World | Tagged:
accelerator R&D, CEA, CNRS, detector R&D, France, IN2P3
Barbara Warmbein | 19 July 2012
Tracks show the paths of particles passing through the time projection chamber, the tracker prototype for the ILD detector, in a DESY test beam last week. Six brand-new readout modules of the Micromegas type - one possible module type for the final detector - were mounted to the TPC endplate and produced beautiful tracks both from cosmic and beam particles.
Image of the week | Tagged:
CEA, DESY, ILD Detector, Micromegas, test beam, TPC
Dou Wang and Min Zhang | 14 April 2011
The France-China Particle Physics Laboratory is a lab without walls, enabling Chinese and French particle and accelerator scientists to work together towards the new energy frontier with experiments such as the LHC and the ILC. Its fourth annual workshop took place in Shandong University, Jinan, China from 7 to 9 April 2011.
Around the World | Tagged:
associated laboratory, CAS, CEA, China, CNRS, CNRS/IN2P3, cooperation, FCPPL, France, LHC, Shandong University
Perrine Royole-Degieux | 1 November 2007
Digitisation - a key word that could lead to smaller and simpler detectors. Two weeks ago, at Saclay, France, the CEA Time Projection Chamber group of Paul Colas proved it could build a digital TPC for the ILC. A truly collaborative effort, this breakthrough could significantly reduce the cost and simplify the implementation of this sub-detector.
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CEA, CERN, CMOS, detector R&D, Medipix, NIKHEF, time projection chamber, TPC
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