Tag archive: CERN
Image: CERN | 5 July 2012
Surrounded by cameras and showing a variety of emotions – delighted, touched, excited, shy, proud, almost overwhelmed – the central theorists, CERN management and the spokespeople of the experiments get together for a group picture after yesterday's press conference. Front row, left to right: theorist Francois Englert, theorist Peter Higgs, ATLAS spokeswoman Fabiola Gianotti, CERN director Steve Myers. Back row, left to right: CERN director Sergio Bertolucci, CERN DG Rolf Heuer, CMS spokesman Joe Incandela, theorist Carl Hagen, theorist Gerald Guralnik. Missing in the picture: Robert Brout and Tom Kibble and the rest of the ATLAS and CMS collaborations.
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Image: CERN/M. Lapka | 15 March 2012
Young researchers analysing real high-energy collisions from the LHC at CERN. From 27 February to 24 March, about 8000 high school students in 31 countries come to one of about 120 nearby universities or research centres for one day in order to unravel the mysteries of particle physics. Lectures from active scientists give insight in topics and methods of basic research at the fundaments of matter and forces, enabling the students to perform measurements on real data from particle physics experiments themselves. At the end of each day, as in an international research collaboration, the participants join in a video conference for discussion and combination of their results. View more photos from CERN | Read more about the masterclasses in ILC NewsLine
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CERN, education, school
Wilhelm Bialowons (DESY), John Osborne (CERN) and Masanobu Miyahara (KEK) | 1 March 2012
Ten members from the Japanese Society for Civil Engineering’s committee for civil works for future ILC facilities came to Europe in February to look at current civil engineering projects like CERN’s LINAC4 and the European XFEL in Hamburg and to discuss administrative challenges. By the end of March next year, the committee will publish draft guidelines on civil solutions for a potential ILC in Japan.
Around the World | Tagged:
CERN, civil engineering, DESY, Japan, XFEL
Image: Hans-Joachim Christ, DESY | 16 February 2012
A delegation from the Japanese Society of Civil Engineering visited the European labs CERN and DESY this month to learn about how the laboratories run their projects.
Image of the week | Tagged:
CERN, civil engineering, DESY, Japan
2 February 2012
During its December meetings, CERN Council announced that an Open Symposium will be held in Cracow on 10–13 September 2012 for the purpose of updating the European Strategy for Particle Physics. Council adopted Europe’s current strategy for the field in July 2006 with an understanding that it be brought up to date at appropriate intervals of typically five years. The Open Symposium is part of a process designed to get the maximum input from the particle-physics community, as well as from other stakeholders both inside and outside Europe, as Europe’s strategy forms part of a global whole. Read more in CERN Courier
Around the World | Tagged:
CERN, European Strategy for Particle Physics, Poland
Steinar Stapnes | 26 January 2012
There's a lot to be optimistic and excited about in 2012. CERN’s Large Hadron Collider results should provide guidance towards a linear collider implementation and the linear collider community is technically well prepared. The ILC technology is well developed and the Technical Design Report is under way. The CLIC technology is also moving rapidly forward: the physics and detectors volume of the Conceptual Design Report was completed just last December.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
CDR, CERN, CLIC, Conceptual Design Report, European Strategy for Particle Physics, LHC, physics and detectors
15 December 2011
13 December 2011: In a seminar held at CERN today, the ATLAS and CMS3 experiments presented the status of their searches for the Standard Model Higgs boson.
Feature | Tagged:
ATLAS, CERN, CMS, Higgs mass
8 December 2011
A delegation from the prefectures Fukuoka and Saga on the Japanese island Kyushu visited two European labs, CERN and DESY, last week to learn about existing research infrastructures and the labs' experiences with management, administration, local communication and a whole lot more. The region is one of two possible Japanese sites for the ILC, and the delegation, consisting of four members of the Fukuoka/Saga ILC planning committee, wanted to establish a dialogue with the European labs to exchange ideas and information. At DESY, they heard about DESY regional cooperation, socioeconomic impacts, innovation and technology transfer, outreach with local communities and of course DESY and the ILC. They also visited some facilities on campus, including the new accelerator module test hall for the European X-Ray Free-Electron laser XFEL, pictured here.
Image of the week | Tagged:
Asia, CERN, DESY, ILC site, Japan, site selection
Leah Hesla | 13 October 2011
Steinar Stapnes has assumed the title of CERN’s Linear Collider Study Leader, a newly configured position that acknowledges a call for cooperation between the ILC and the laboratory’s well established Compact Linear Collider study. His new post requires him to perform a balancing act that involves two collider concepts, roughly a hundred researchers and a finite number of Swiss francs.
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Barry Barish | 6 October 2011
The LHC is now operating successfully at 3.5 TeV in a physics data-taking mode, and a significant amount of data has already been recorded, analysed and reported. The early results are already narrowing the available mass range for the Higgs boson and are setting limits on supersymmetric particles. Significant results can be expected from this data run, which is currently scheduled to last until the end of 2012.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
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