Tag archive: CNRS/LAL
Barbara Warmbein | 3 November 2016
While the CALICE collaboration is still busy analysing the data taken at last year’s big test campaign the team planning the hadronic calorimeter for the ILD detector are already gathering new data. This time they looked at the performance of a few prototype layers in a test beam connected to a beam telescope.
Around the World | Tagged:
beam telescope, CALICE, CNRS/LAL, DESY, detector R&D, hadronic calorimeter, Prague, Sussex
Ricarda Laasch | 12 May 2016
If you're an electron, a ride in a cavity is pretty much the coolest thing that can happen to you. If you're an accelerator and you need huge numbers of cavities you better make sure they're all of outstanding quality – which is what the X-ray free-electron laser European XFEL under construction in Hamburg has just finished. In a series first published in DESY inForm, we look at how a niobium sheet turns into a curvy beauty. Part three describes how they make their way from test benches into the cryomodules and, finally, into the tunnel.
Around the World | Tagged:
cavity, CEA-Irfu, CNRS/IN2P3, CNRS/LAL, DESY, European XFEL, Saclay, SCRF
Lyn Evans | 17 September 2015
The Japanese consultant Nomura Research Institute is about to embark on a world tour to visit labs around the world and industrial production sites for accelerator components. They are working on a study about the technical feasibility of the ILC and ways to reduce cost. They may be coming to a lab near you!
Director's Corner | Tagged:
AES, Babcock Noell, CEA Saclay, CERN, CNRS/LAL, CPI, DESY, Fermilab, industrialisation, INFN, JLab, MEXT, nomura, NRI, SFTC, SLAC
Ricarda Laasch | 11 June 2015
The European XFEL at DESY, Germany, will be a brilliant light source for a broad range of fundamental research in all areas of science – but it is also the first great mass production of the so-called TESLA technology. The ILC community is thus watching the construction of the European XFEL very closely.
Around the World | Tagged:
CEA, CNRS/IN2P3, CNRS/LAL, DESY, European XFEL, industrialisation, SCRF, superconducting cavity, TESLA technology
Brian Foster | 16 April 2015
For the first Programme Advisory Committee meeting of the Linear Collider Collaboration, experts from all over the world gathered in France to review the status of the LCC and progress since the completion of the Technical Design Report in 2013. The committee was impressed by the progress both on the machine and the detectors. Brian Foster, European Director in the LCC, reports about the details.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
Marc Weber (KIT), Georges Blanchot (CERN) and Roman Pöschl (CNRS/LAL) | 16 June 2011
Lowering power consumption is a key issue for particle physicists to solve to design the next generation of collider experiments. Detectors will measure signals recorded in millions of readout channels. Last May, the ILC-CLIC common working group for detectors organised the first workshop on power pulsing and delivery at LAL in Orsay, France.
Feature | Tagged:
CLIC, CNRS/LAL, detailed baseline design, detector R&D, ILC-CLIC, power pulsing, SLHC
Barry Barish | 2 June 2011
Michel Davier, an important member of the International Linear Collider community, has been awarded the prestigious André Lagarrigue Prize in France. For the International Linear Collider, he chairs the special committee that has provided advice and guidance to the Research Director regarding the enabling R&D and detector design programmes for the ILC.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
CNRS/LAL, Gargamelle, Lagarrigue Prize, tau, Virgo
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