Tag archive: DESY
8 December 2011
A delegation from the prefectures Fukuoka and Saga on the Japanese island Kyushu visited two European labs, CERN and DESY, last week to learn about existing research infrastructures and the labs' experiences with management, administration, local communication and a whole lot more. The region is one of two possible Japanese sites for the ILC, and the delegation, consisting of four members of the Fukuoka/Saga ILC planning committee, wanted to establish a dialogue with the European labs to exchange ideas and information. At DESY, they heard about DESY regional cooperation, socioeconomic impacts, innovation and technology transfer, outreach with local communities and of course DESY and the ILC. They also visited some facilities on campus, including the new accelerator module test hall for the European X-Ray Free-Electron laser XFEL, pictured here.
Image of the week | Tagged:
Asia, CERN, DESY, ILC site, Japan, site selection
Barbara Warmbein | 1 December 2011
In a nationwide “Weltmaschine day” to celebrate the second anniversary of collisions in the Large Hadron Collider, universities and institutes all over Germany not only presented the latest results from the LHC to crowded lecture halls, but also showed the fun side of physics in slams and exhibits. A slam about the ILC came first at DESY in Hamburg.
Feature | Tagged:
DESY, LHC, science slam, Weltmaschine
Barbara Warmbein | 3 November 2011
Last Saturday’s Open Day and Science Night at DESY in Hamburg, Germany, attracted more than 13 000 visitors. The lab presented its many fields of research, including the ILC, in a tent outside the entrance to the HERA accelerator tunnel. ILC detector developers and accelerator experts explained what the project is all about.
Around the World | Tagged:
DESY, public event
20 October 2011
The optical inspection system OBACHT at DESY moved to a new lab roughly 25 metres below the surface in one of the former experimental halls of the HERA accelerator. Becoming good neighbours - OBACHT and HERA!
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Ute Wilhelmsen (DESY) | 13 October 2011
The European XFEL X-ray laser in Hamburg will use accelerator modules of the newest generation. These high-tech devices are operated using superconducting technology at temperatures similar to those in outer space. The concept was developed and brought to practical application by the international TESLA collaboration, led by DESY.
Around the World | Tagged:
22 September 2011
DESY's Information Management, Processes, Projects (IPP) group continued their design integration activities for the ILC and managed to automatically generate simple three-dimensional models from lattice files, obtaining a 3-D model of the entire accelerator. Tunnel and infrastructure models can be added where available to get an early preview of the facility. More images can be seen at the LCWS11 conference in Granada.
Image of the week | Tagged:
3D model, DESY, tunnel
15 September 2011
Brian Foster, Global Design Effort European Regional Director, recently began his tenure at DESY and the University of Hamburg as a recipient of the Alexander von Humboldt professorship. View this seven-minute video to learn about his research plans at DESY, the University and for the ILC.
Video of the week | Tagged:
DESY, Humboldt Professorship
Gerrit Hörentrup (DESY) | 15 September 2011
DESY’s ALPS experiment aims high by searching low, looking for lightweight particles in the low-energy range. The lightweight particles could clue us into the nature of dark matter or dark energy, and ALPS is being upgraded to make more precise measurements than it could before.
Around the World | Tagged:
18 August 2011
This summer 81 students of 19 different nationalities joined in the day-to-day work of research groups at the DESY Laboratory in Hamburg and Zeuthen (Berlin), participating in different activities. An introductory talk about the ILC is included in this year's programme.
Image of the week | Tagged:
DESY, undergraduate students
11 August 2011
The tunnel boring machine TULA (TUnnel for LAser) squeezed through a large hole in the wall of the injector building of the European XFEL facility. The hole, only 40 centimetres wider than the colossus that is TULA, made for a challengingly tight fit. TULA, which started 7 July 2010 at the European XFEL construction site in Schenefeld (Schleswig-Holstein), arrived a couple of days ago at the DESY site in Hamburg. In 13 months it has completed three tunnels with a total length of 3084 metres of the tunnel system, including the 2.1-kilometre-long linac tunnel. The second tunnel boring machine AMELI is still on its way to dig the (slightly thinner) rest of the nearly 6-kilometre long European XFEL tunnel system. TULA is 6.17 metres in diameter and 71 metres long, weighs 550 tonnes and costs 18 million Euros.
Image of the week | Tagged:
DESY, tunnel, XFEL
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