Tag archive: detector R&D
Barbara Warmbein | 1 November 2012
A team of two scientists and four students from Shinshu University of Japan and Kyungpook National University of Korea have just packed up their cables, laptops and scintillator strips and left a test beam at DESY with many interesting results in their luggage. They tested the scintillator-strip-based electromagnetic calorimeter (ScECAL), one of the potential layers of a future ILC detector.
Image of the week | Tagged:
DESY, detector R&D, electromagnetic calorimeter, Japan, Korea, test beam
Image: DESY | 4 October 2012
Linear collider detector experts get it straight - a vision of the XFEL tunnel that is. CLIC detector engineers from CERN visited DESY last week to discuss detector challenges such as earthquake stability, alignment, assembly planning and the construction of the detector's magnet yoke with their colleagues from the ILC's ILD detector. They also visited the tunnel for the European XFEL that is currently being constructed.
Image of the week | Tagged:
CLIC, detector R&D, European XFEL, ILC, tunnel
Juan Fuster | 16 August 2012
The process towards an updated European Strategy for the future of particle physics is well under way. In preparation for the upcoming Strategy meeting in Kraków, Poland, several generic linear-collider documents as well as many specific to ILC or CLIC have been submitted and will be discussed in September.
Research Director's Report | Tagged:
detailed baseline design, detector R&D, European Strategy for Particle Physics, Technical Design Report
Barbara Warmbein | 10 May 2012
Five shafts, pacmen shields and moving platforms: the design for the hall in which the ILC detectors will sit, be pushed and pulled, record data, get upgrades and maintenance is now final, at least for an ILC that is not built underneath mountains.
Feature | Tagged:
cavern, CFS, detector R&D, ILD, interaction region, SiD
Barbara Warmbein | 12 April 2012
The AIDA community takes stock of its first year of R&D activities. Twenty-three European countries are working on a variety of infrastructures that help today's researchers plan the detectors of the future - from linear colliders to neutrino facilities.
Around the World | Tagged:
3-D silicon technology, AIDA, detector R&D, dosimeter, FP7, industry
8 March 2012
At the Fermilab Test Beam Facility, scientists from around the world line up to test new detector technologies that will help shape the future of particle physics. Whether experimenters need a few pions or lots of protons, the FTBF can deliver: It offers the only high-energy hadron test beam in the United States. It is a proving ground for particle detector designs being developed for experiments at accelerator laboratories in the United States, Europe and Japan. Last year alone, the facility accommodated 13 experiments. In the future, it might even host detector tests for medical imaging applications. Read the full story
Around the World | Tagged:
detector R&D, Fermilab Test Beam Facility, FTBF
Leah Hesla | 1 March 2012
We don’t usually notice all three dimensions of a semiconductor chip. We note the intricate, maze-like circuitry imprinted onto one side or its reflective sensor surface. Rarely is attention paid to its depth, mostly because chips have so little of it. In the last five to ten years, the particle detector community has been working with the semiconductor industry to develop sensors’ minuscule depths to create technology with integrated functionalities that could be used in fields outside particle physics.
Feature | Tagged:
detector activities, detector R&D, monolithic active pixel sensors, pixel sensors
Barbara Warmbein | 12 January 2012
Good timing is a virtue. Just as comedians have to wait for just the right moment to deliver their punch line, linear collider physicists need to know when to make cuts. These cuts separate phenomena called particle showers from each other, making it possible for the physicists to tell which reaction originated from which collision. Two German PhD students have built a test device that is supposed to get behind the precise timing of showers.
Profile | Tagged:
CALICE, calorimeter, detector R&D, IEEE, ILC-CLIC collaboration
Juan Fuster | 15 December 2011
Though the differences between ILC and CLIC detectors are marked, ILC detector concepts have been shown to be valuable for the machine being designed by its competitor-cooperator, the CLIC design study.
Research Director's Report | Tagged:
detector R&D, ILC-CLIC collaboration
Leah Hesla | 8 December 2011
A new version of linear collider data storage software was released this past autumn to accommodate detector scientists' increasing sophistication in simulating particle events. LCIO (the name comes from 'linear collider input/output') continues to facilitate agreement among the world's linear collider groups with a common event data model and file format for data exchange.
Feature | Tagged:
detector R&D, LCIO, particle simulation, software
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